Carbocation vs Carbanion The key difference between carbocation and carboanion is their charges; they are both organic molecular species with opposite charges. Carbocation is positively charged ion and carboanion is negatively charged ion. Their stability depends on several factors, and some of them are very important in the synthesis of other chemical compounds. […]
Difference Between Methane and Ethane
Key Difference – Methane vs Ethane Methane and Ethane are the smallest members of the alkane family. The molecular formulas of these two organic compounds are CH4 and C2H6 respectively. The key difference between Methane and Ethane is their chemical structure; an Ethane molecule can be considered as two methyl groups joined as a dimer […]
Difference Between Acrylamide and Bisacrylamide
Key Difference – Acrylamide vs Bisacrylamide As the two names acrylamide and bisacrylamide sound similar, their chemical structures also have some similarities. A Bisacrylamide molecule contains two acrylamide molecule joined through a -CH2– bridge via Nitrogen atom in the amide group. This link is formed by removing one hydrogen atom and then bonding to […]
Difference Between Corrosion and Oxidation
Key Difference – Corrosion vs Oxidation Corrosion and oxidation are both similar processes that can happen under natural or forced conditions, but there is a difference between corrosion and oxidation processes. Both processes can be accelerated using external factors; corrosion rate can be increased by wet atmospheric conditions and oxidation rate can be increased […]