Key Difference – Ohm’s Law vs Kirchhoff’s Law When it comes to understanding the electricity, it is highly crucial to understand the relationship between the primitive parameters, voltage and current. The basic principle that describes this relationship is Ohm’s Law. Kirchhoff’s Law, on the other hand, is a theory that describes properties of these […]
Difference Between SMPS and Linear Power Supply
Key Difference – SMPS vs Linear Power Supply Most electronic and electrical devices require DC voltage in order to function. These devices, especially electronic devices with integrated circuits, should be supplied with a reliable, distortion-less DC voltage for them to work without malfunctioning or burning. The purpose of a DC power supply is to […]
Difference Between BTU and Watts
Key Difference – BTU vs Watts It is first important to identify the concepts of energy and power in order to understand the difference between BTU and Watts. If an object is doing a work, the object is given an amount of energy to perform the task. If there is a heat transfer from […]
Difference Between Voltage Converter and Transformer
Key Difference – Voltage Converter vs Transformer In practice, voltage is supplied from many difference sources, often by the mains power. Those voltage sources, either AC or DC, have a specific or a standard value of voltage (for example, 230V in AC mains and 12V DC in a car battery). However, the electrical and […]
Difference Between Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply
Key Difference – Regulated vs Unregulated Power Supply Generally, a power supply is a device or an electrical circuit that gives energy (power) to another electrical device. There are many types of power supplies; regulated and unregulated power supplies are two such categories based on the type of output. In regulated power supplies, the […]
Difference Between Online and Offline UPS
Key Difference – Online vs Offline UPS UPS or Uninterrupted Power Supply is a device that supplies power to critical loads which should run continuously without an interruption, even during a power outage. UPSs have two types: rotary/mechanical type, which includes motors and generators as the power source, and static UPSs, which supply backup […]
Difference Between Resistance and Reactance
Key Difference – Resistance vs Reactance Electrical components such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors have some sort of an obstruction for the current passing through them. While resistors react to both direct current and alternating current, inductors and capacitors respond to variations of currents or alternating current only. This obstacle to the current from […]
Difference Between Inductance and Capacitance
Key Difference – Inductance vs Capacitance Inductance and capacitance are two of primary properties of RLC circuits. Inductors and capacitors, which are associated with inductance and capacitance respectively, are commonly used in waveform generators and analog filters. The key difference between inductance and capacitance is that inductance is a property of a current carrying […]
Difference Between Ampere and Coulomb
Key Difference – Ampere vs Coulomb Ampere and Coulomb are two measurement units that are used to measure the current. The current in a conductor is measured in Amperes, whereas Coulombs measure the amount of charge. One ampere is equal to the flow of one coulomb of a charge in a second. Unlike coulomb, […]
Difference Between Power Source and Power Supply
Key Difference – Power Source vs Power Supply Power is defined as the energy consumed or supplied within a given period. Since energy cannot be created as per the theory of conservation of energy, it should be transformed into a consumable form from an available source in order to make use of energy. Electricity […]