The key difference between mammal and marsupial is that the mammal is a vertebrate which nourishes their young with milk produced inside the mammary glands of the mother while marsupial is a type of mammal which has a pouch to keep and nourish their undeveloped young ones. Mammal and marsupial belong to the same family […]
Difference Between Multicellular and Unicellular
The key difference between multicellular and unicellular is that multicellular organisms possess more than one cell while unicellular organisms possess only a single cell. Based on the cell number, there are two categories of organisms. Namely, they are unicellular and multicellular organisms. The behaviour, anatomy, and the functionalities of unicellular and multicellular organisms vary among […]
Difference Between Anus and Cloaca
The key difference between anus and cloaca is that the anus is the opening of mammals that they use to excrete waste material from the digestive system while the cloaca is the opening of birds, reptiles and fish that they use to excrete both urine and waste material. Not many people are aware of the […]
Difference Between Agar and Agarose
The key difference between agar and agarose is that the agar is a gelatinous substance obtained from red algae while the agarose is a linear polymer purified from agar or red seaweeds. Agar and agarose are two kinds of polysaccharide products that come from red algae or seaweed. They are very useful in a variety […]
Difference Between Bacteria and Viruses
The key difference between bacteria and viruses is that the bacteria can live without a host organism while the viruses cannot live without a living host. Many people think that both bacteria and viruses are germs that are harmful to human beings. Furthermore, they think that viruses and bacteria belong to the same category that […]
Difference Between Plants and Animals
The key difference between plants and animals is that the plants cannot move and they stay attached to the soil by roots while the animals can move from place to place. Also, the plants contain chloroplasts and chlorophylls but not the animals. Scientists tried to classify living organisms using different techniques. As a result, Robert […]
Difference Between a Ribonucleotide and a Deoxyribonucleotide
The key difference between a ribonucleotide and a deoxyribonucleotide is the sugar component of each nucleotide. Ribose is the sugar component of ribonucleotides while deoxyribose is the sugar component of deoxyribonucleotide. RNA and DNA are polymers of nucleotides; they are ribonucleotides and deoxyribonucleotides respectively. Though all human beings are alike in the sense that they […]
Difference Between Codominance and Incomplete Dominance
The key difference between codominance and incomplete dominance is based on the expression of the traits in the offspring. In Codominance, the offspring receive a combination of both parent genes, whereas, in Incomplete dominance, neither one of the parent genes expresses. In genetics, Gregor Mendel discovered the Principal of Dominance. But, it was found that […]
Difference Between Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria
The key difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria is that gram positive bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan layer, hence appear in purple colour while gram negative bacteria have a thin peptidoglycan layer, hence appear in pink colour at the end of the gram staining technique. Bacteria are ubiquitous prokaryotes which are unicellular and […]
Difference Between Transcription and Translation in DNA
The key difference between transcription and translation in DNA is that transcription is the production of an mRNA sequence which contains the genetic code encoded in the coding sequence of the gene while translation is the production of a functional protein using the genetic code encoded in the mRNA sequence. Gene expression is the process […]