The key difference between sterilization and disinfection is that sterilization is a process of killing all forms of microbial life including the spores present in an object while disinfection is a process of reducing or removing harmful microorganisms from the inanimate objects and surfaces. Microorganisms are ubiquitous. Since they cause contamination, infection and decay, it becomes necessary […]
Difference Between DNA and RNA Structure
The key difference between DNA and RNA structure is that the DNA structure is a double helix composed of two complementary strands while RNA structure is single-stranded. Nucleic acids are macromolecules or biopolymers. Moreover, they are the building blocks of genetic material of an organism. They are comprised of nucleotide chains linked via phosphodiester bonds […]
Difference Between Eukaryotic Cells and Prokaryotic Cells
The key difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells is that the eukaryotic cells possess a true nucleus and true membrane-bound organelles while the prokaryotic cells do not possess a true nucleus or true organelles. Cells are an essential part in the formation of everything that is around us. The composition of the cells can […]
Difference Between Direct Lifecycle and Indirect Lifecycle
The key difference between direct lifecycle and indirect lifecycle in the context of parasite reproduction is that, in the direct lifecycle, the simple parasite lives its lifespan and reproduces within a host once entered while in the indirect lifecycle, the complex parasites require many numbers of hosts during the completion of their lifecycles. Parasites are small […]
Difference Between Slow and Fast Twitch Fibers
The key difference between slow and fast twitch fibers is that the slow twitch fibers are the muscle fibers mainly used for long endurance such as distance running and they do not become tired easily while fast twitch fibers are the muscle fibers used for a powerful burst of movements such as sprinting and they […]
Difference Between Chlorophyll A and B
The key difference between chlorophyll A and B is that the chlorophyll A is the primary photosynthetic pigment in plants and algae while the chlorophyll B is an accessory pigment that collects energy and passes to chlorophyll A. Chlorophyll is a family of natural pigments that are present in plants and algae and is responsible […]
Difference Between Decomposer and Detritivore
The key difference between decomposer and detritivore is that the decomposer is a saprophytic organism which decomposes and recycles dead organic matter in the environment while detritivore is a type of decomposer which consumes decaying organic matter and digests within its body in order to break down and obtain nutrients. An ecosystem consists of all the […]
Difference Between Stem and Trunk
The key difference between stem and trunk is that the stem usually refers to the main structural axis of a plant while trunk usually refers to the main structural axis of a tree. Stem and trunk are two botanical names sometimes used in a similar sense. Strictly speaking, there is some difference between stem and […]
Difference Between Fermentation and Respiration
The key difference between fermentation and respiration is that the fermentation occurs in the absence of oxygen while the respiration needs oxygen. Organisms require energy to perform cellular activities. Hence, they generate energy molecules in the form of ATP. They use different substrates and break down into different forms, and the releasing energy converts into […]
Difference Between Allele and Locus
The key difference between allele and locus is that the allele refers to one of the two or more alternative sequences of a gene at a certain locus while the locus refers to a certain location on a chromosome where a gene can be found. In the form of genes, genetic information inherits from parents […]