Ltd vs LLP The terms Ltd and LLP are both given to firms with limited liability, with different business structures; one is a limited partnership and the other being a private limited company. Ltd companies and LLPs both have a great advantage in that their liability is limited to the amount of funds that […]
Difference Between LLC and Ltd
LLC vs Ltd The terms Ltd and LLC are frequently seen with company names, and are given to different types of companies depending on the business structure to which they belong. The terms Ltd and LLC both are used for companies that have limited liability, which means their liability is limited to the amount […]
Difference Between Limited and Ltd
Limited vs Ltd “Ltd” is a term that we very frequently see behind the name of a company. The word Ltd is a shortened form for ‘limited liability’. There is quite a lot of confusion among many as to whether Ltd is same or different to what is meant by limited liability. In this […]
Difference Between Limited and Unlimited Liability
Limited vs Unlimited Liability As businesses are formed, their various business structures need to be decided upon. One such decision that needs to be made is whether the firm will be of limited or unlimited liability. Limited and unlimited liability are concerned with the obligations of the owners; whether their obligations are limited to […]
Difference Between Non Profit and Not For Profit
Non Profit vs Not For Profit Apart from traditional businesses set up with the aim of making profits, there are other types of organizations that are set up with other objectives in mind. There are terms used to describe such organizations as ‘nonprofit’ and ‘not-for-profit’. Both these types of organizations are quite similar to […]
Difference Between Partnership and Limited Company
Partnership vs Limited Company Many people, when starting a business, do not pay attention to the structure of the business they should choose. This can lead to many problems later on, which is why it is important to understand the types of business entities and the one that suits one’s business requirements. Two of […]
Difference Between Partnership and Corporation
Partnership vs Corporation There are many different ways to set up a business with the smallest and the easiest of the structures being sole proprietorship where a single person is the owner of the business. When there are two people coming together to start a business, the business is said to be a partnership. […]
Difference Between LLP and Partnership
LLP vs Partnership Depending upon requirements, there can be many different forms or structures of businesses. Out of these, partnership is perhaps the most commonly heard one. We all know of businesses where many friends bring up capital and start a venture and divide the profits in proportion of their investment. However, there is […]
Difference Between NGO and NPO
NGO vs NPO All over the world, the abbreviation NGO has become synonymous with community service and charitable work that is carried out in a selfless manner by a few members of the society without any association or interference of the government. Non-Governmental Organization (or NGO) has become a much-needed hand of the government, […]
Difference Between PVT. LTD. Company and LTD. Company
PVT. LTD. Company vs LTD. Company We often come across the names of companies that are different with some being XYZ PVT LTD while others being XYZ LTD. The initials PVT and LTD stand for private and limited respectively, and though PVT LTD and LTD companies have many similarities, there are differences in nature […]