Yuan vs Renminbi Difference between Yuan and Renminbi is something similar to the difference between USD and dollar. Did not understand? In the course of this article, this will be explained to you. For decades, people all over the world have been trading in Yuan, the official Chinese currency and, if we are not […]
Difference Between Hong Kong and China
Hong Kong vs China The difference between Hong Kong and China can be understood clearly when you pay attention to the status of each place. Hong Kong, an island lying on the southern coast of China, is one of the most heavily populated areas in the world. Today, it is a SAR (Special Administrative […]
Difference Between Chinese and Mandarin
Chinese vs Mandarin As Chinese and Mandarin are commonly misunderstood as one and the same and are sometimes used interchangeably, knowing the difference between Chinese and Mandarin is valuable. There is obviously a relationship between Chinese and Mandarin, however, the distinction between Chinese and Mandarin is quite clear. Chinese or Mandarin, they are widely […]
Difference Between Chinese and Taiwanese
Chinese vs Taiwanese For a westerner, it is quite difficult to identify the difference between Chinese and Taiwanese as Chinese and Taiwanese are two different identities used by two countries of the same ethnicity. Historically, during the civil unrest in China, Chiang Kai- Shek and the Kuomintang lost the war to the Chinese Communist […]