Krishna vs Rama Krishna and Rama are two mythological characters from India that show difference between them in terms of the period in which they lived, the place they ruled, and the like. Krishna belonged to the Dvapara Yuga, whereas Rama belonged to the Treta Yuga or epoch. Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudeva, […]
Difference Between Hindustani and Carnatic
Hindustani vs Carnatic Just because the word music is not there, it looks like a comparison between Hindustani and people from Karnataka, isn’t it? The fact is, and music lovers all over the country know it, Hindustani and Carnatic are types of music that are not only different, they reflect the North South divide which […]
Difference Between Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan
Salman Khan vs Shahrukh Khan Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan are two stars of the trinity that has been ruling Bollywood for the last two decades (third in the trinity is Aamir Khan). Both Salman and Shahrukh are a craze among crores of fans around the country as well as a sizeable population abroad. Both […]
Difference Between Bharatanatyam and Kathakali
Bharatanatyam vs Kathakali Bharatanatyam and Kathakali are two dance forms of South India that show difference between them when it comes to their costumes, art or style of dancing and the like. It is important to know that Bharatanatyam originated from the state of Tamil nadu in the southern part of India whereas Kathakali originated […]
Difference Between Upanishads and Vedas
Upanishads vs Vedas Upanishads and Vedas are two terms that are often confused as one and the same thing. Actually they are two different subjects for that matter. In fact Upanishads are parts of Vedas. Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva are the four Vedas. A Veda is divided into four parts, namely, Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka […]
Difference Between Kathak and Kathakali
Kathak vs Kathakali Kathak and Kathakali are two dance forms of India. They show differences between them when it comes to the techniques, gesticulations, gestures and delineation involved during performance. Kathak originated from North India whereas Kathakali originated from South India. Kathak traces its origin from the temple dancers called as kathaks or storytellers who […]
Difference Between Bharatanatyam and Kathak
Bharatanatyam vs Kathak Bharatanatyam and Kathak are two dance forms of India. They are different when it comes to their origin, nature and techniques. Bharatanatyam is said to have originated in the Tamil region of southern India whereas Kathak is said to have originated in North India. It is believed that Kathak has developed from […]
Difference Between Akbar and Jahangir
Akbar vs Jahangir Akbar and Jahangir are two Mughal emperors that ruled over the northern and central parts of India with distinction. In fact Jahangir was the son of Akbar. The full name of Jahangir was Nur-ud-din Salim Jahangir whereas the full name of Akbar was Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar. Akbar, the father of Jahangir was […]
Difference Between Royal wedding and Indian wedding
Royal wedding vs Indian wedding Wedding is a ritual that is common to all cultures of the world. In ancient times when there were royalties in India, royal weddings were an event that were celebrated with much pomp and show and commoners watched in bewilderment as they could not even imagine such grandeur in their […]
Difference Between Bollywood and Tollywood
Bollywood vs Tollywood This article intends to clear misconceptions in the minds of people from other countries about film industry in India which is not limited to Bollywood as this what people abroad have come to think. There is also Kollywood, Mollywood, and Tollywood in India that represents cinema made in regions other than Mumbai, […]