Psychopathology vs Abnormal Psychology Abnormal psychology and psychopathology refer to two very much related concepts though there is a difference between them. In the field of psychology, there are a number of subfields. Abnormal Psychology is one such field. In abnormal psychology, the psychologists pay attention to behavior that are considered as abnormal. These […]
Difference Between Mental Illness and Mental Retardation
Mental Illness vs Mental Retardation Mental illness and mental retardation refer to two different concepts with marked differences between them. Therefore, mental illness and mental retardation should not be used interchangeably. First, let us define the two terms. Mental illness can be understood as a mental health condition that disrupts the behavior, thoughts, and […]
Difference Between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder
Bipolar Disorder vs Borderline Personality Disorder Bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder are two mental disorders exhibiting some differences between them even though they are confused for one another. This confusion is mostly because in both illnesses, mood swings and impulsive behavior are major characteristics. However, these two have to be understood as two different disorders. […]
Difference Between Counselling and Psychotherapy
Counselling vs Psychotherapy Counselling and Psychotherapy are often considered as synonymous, even though there are differences between them. It is true that the subject matter of counseling and psychotherapy can overlap. However, there is a distinction in counseling and psychology. Counseling refers to a process where the counselor and counselee engage in an effort […]
Difference Between Psychosis and Neurosis
Neurosis vs Psychosis Psychosis and neurosis are terms used to describe mental conditions. Sometimes these words are used interchangeably to refer to the same condition. What is Psychosis? Psychosis features a loss of perception of reality. In psychosis there are thought disorders, speech disorganization, rigidly held false beliefs (delusions), seeing or hearing things that […]
Difference Between Stress and Distress
Stress vs Distress Stress and distress are closely related. One could argue that distress causes stress or vice versa. Stress in a more “non-technical” meaning could mean the same thing as distress. In medical terms, however, these two have some identifiable differences. What is Stress? The definition of stress has evolved over the years […]
Difference Between Conscious and Subconscious
Conscious vs Subconscious In psychology, our mind is divided into 3 main parts. Listing them from the surface of the mind in to the deep; they are conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. Many psychologists have defined them in different ways. Conscious and subconscious are the two outer most layers of the human mind. Conscious Conscious […]
Difference Between Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Auto Draft Clinical psychology and counseling psychology are the most popular and applied disciplines of psychology. Clinical psychology and counseling psychology are two fields that are difficult to separate by one line because there is much overlapping among them in many areas. It is very unlikely that one of these disciplines survive alone. What […]
Difference Between Grief and Depression
Grief vs Depression Depression has become the second most common health problem worldwide, and it is very difficult to diagnose and treat since it shares most of the characteristics with simple emotional responses experienced by people. Simply saying depression is not the sadness nor is the sadness depression. Depression is a collection of symptoms […]
Difference Between Schizophrenia and Bipolar
Schizophrenia vs Bipolar (Manic Depressive Disorder) Schizophrenia and Bipolar are two psychiatric conditions that are sometimes confused, and used interchangeably. They are described in a derogatory way and laughed at. But, one has to face the fact that these two are medical conditions, which can be managed, and nothing different from a patient having diabetes or […]