The key difference between row and column is that the row refers to an arrangement in horizontal form whereas the column refers to an arrangement in vertical form. Row and column are two words that have opposite meanings. We use these words when we are talking about various topics such as data tables, spreadsheets, architecture, […]
Difference Between Sympathy and Compassion
The key difference between sympathy and compassion is that the sympathy means that you can understand what another person is going through whereas compassion is the willingness to relieve the suffering of another. Pity, empathy, sympathy and compassion are words that indicate our reaction to the plight of others. Most of us tend to use these words […]
Difference Between Institute and Institution
An institute refers to an organization having a specific purpose. However, institution has two main meanings, referring to either an established law or practice or an organization or corporation. This is the key difference between institute and institution. There is no special difference between institute and institution when you are referring to an organization established for […]
Difference Between Consistent and Constant
The key difference between consistent and constant is that consistent means unchanging whereas constant means unceasing. In other words, consistent describes something that does not vary while constant describes something that does not stop. Consistent and constant are two adjectives that confuse many people. Both these adjectives are used to describe people as well as […]
Difference Between Cemetery and Graveyard
The key difference between cemetery and graveyard is that the cemetery is not situated next to a church whereas the graveyard is situated next to a church. Both cemetery and graveyard refer to places where we bury the dead. Although many people use these two words interchangeably, there is a difference between cemetery and graveyard. […]
Difference Between Same and Similar
The key difference between same and similar is that the word same means being identical, without having any difference whereas the word similar means having a resemblance in some aspect, without being identical. The two words same and similar have very similar meanings. Many people even use these words interchangeably. However, it is important to […]
Difference Between Elected and Selected
Key Difference – Elected vs Selected The key difference between elected and selected is the elected usually refers to choosing someone from a voting system while selected refers to choosing something or someone on a general basis. The verbs select and elect both convey the meaning ‘to choose something or someone for a particular […]
Difference Between Fast and Speed
Key Difference – Fast vs Speed Fast and speed are two words that convey the meaning of rapidity or quickness. However, these two words cannot be used interchangeably since they belong to two distinct grammatical categories. Speed is a noun while fast is an adjective and an adverb. This is the key difference between […]
Difference Between Self Esteem and Self Actualization
Key Difference – Self Esteem vs Self Actualization Self esteem and self actualization are two related terms that have somewhat similar meanings. Self esteem is a reflection of a person’s own evaluation of his or her worth. Self actualization is the realization or fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities. This is the key difference […]
Difference Between Risk and Risky
Key Difference – Risk vs Risky The two words risk and risky are frequently misused. However, both these words give negative connotations which emphasise dangerous outcomes. The difference between risk and risky lies in their grammatical category. The key difference between risk and risky is that risk is a noun and the verb form […]
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