Key Difference – Domestic Violence vs Domestic Abuse Domestic violence and domestic abuse are two terms that are used interchangeably although some discern a key difference between the two words. It must be highlighted that defining domestic violence and abuse differs from one state to another. Hence, while some definitions emphasize the difference that […]
Difference Between Niece and Nephew
Niece vs Nephew Blood relationships are the relationships formed by marriage and birth of offspring to the couple that gets married. There are many different relationships in addition to brother, sister, mother and father that are important even in times of nuclear families. Terms like cousins, nephews, nieces etc. are as relevant and important […]
Difference Between Step Brother and Half Brother
Step Brother vs Half Brother In the institution of marriage, offspring is referred to siblings or brothers and sisters. As long as offspring are from same parents, they are called real brothers and sisters. In fact, the word real is used these days only because of dilution of this institution and divorces taking place. […]
Difference Between Husband and Wife
Husband vs Wife Marriage is perhaps one of the oldest social institutions to help in survival of a family. Husband and wife enter into a relationship, which is in many ways need based, but also it ensures a strong emotional bond between the two that becomes stronger with the arrival of kids in the […]
Difference Between Maternal and Paternal
Maternal vs Paternal Paternal is a word that has many meanings, but there is a common thread of relating to the father that is running through all these meanings. The word is to father what maternal is to mother and pertains to all things or traits that are considered fatherly. We have paternal relatives and […]
Difference Between Civil Union and Marriage
Civil Union vs Marriage The difference between civil union and marriage stems from the gender of the people who enter into a legal contract to live together. Marriage is an age old institution that has worked well till now, and allows a couple belonging to opposite sex to live together, have sex, and raise […]
Difference Between Nuclear Family and Extended Family
Nuclear Family vs Extended Family Family is the most basic social unit in any society. A family is vital in human context as it helps is socialization of kids. But, before we talk about the functions and responsibilities of a family, it is necessary to differentiate between nuclear family and extended family, which is confusing […]
Difference Between Partner and Wife
Partner vs Wife Man and woman have been created by almighty to be natural partners for each other. Indeed this has been so, even before the institution of marriage was conceived as a means to keep both partners loyal and faithful to each other. But, one thing is certain, and that is there is no […]
Difference Between Having a Baby and Not Having a Baby
Having a Baby vs Not Having a Baby Falling in love maybe the best feeling ever; people fall in love and decide to spend the rest of their lives together and when they are sound financially or just too much emotionally in love with each other the first thing they want to do is start […]
Difference Between Boyfriend and Husband
Boyfriend vs Husband Boyfriend and Husband are two words that the girls are interested in. Selecting a boyfriend and husband is quite different and both of these are different from each other. To know about the difference between a boyfriend and husband, continue reading this article. Boyfriend Boyfriend is a term used to describe a […]