GATT vs WTO There are many who get confused between the now defunct GATT and WTO and fail to identify the key difference. GATT stands for General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. This created in 1948 was replaced by WTO or else the World Trade Organization. When paying attention to the various practices, structures, […]
Difference Between Liberalism and Constructivism
Liberalism vs Constructivism There are many theories that have been propounded in the study of international relations. These theories actually provide a perspective in which to see international relations. Out of these theories, the most popular are realism, liberalism and constructivism. We will, in this article confine ourselves to liberalism and constructivism and try to […]
Difference Between FTA and CEPA
FTA vs CEPA FTA and CEPA are terms used to describe economic pacts between countries that are aimed at reducing tariffs and improving bilateral trade. Whereas FTA stands for Free Trade Agreement, CEPA stands for Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. Though both are economic pacts, there are differences between the two which will be highlighted in […]
Difference Between G20 and G8
G20 vs G8 G8 and G20 are two forums between which certain differences can be identified in terms of their establishment, member states, etc. G20 and G8 are abbreviations for forums of industrialized and developed countries of the world. G8 consists of the economically most powerful countries. G20 consists of major economies in the […]
Difference Between UN Security Council and UN General Assembly
UN Security Council vs UN General Assembly UN General Assembly and Security Council are two of the main organs of the United Nations, which is an international organization created in the aftermath of the Second World War in 1945. UN came into existence to take place of the League on Nations that was formed by […]
Difference Between High Commission and Embassy
High Commission vs Embassy The difference between High Commission and Embassy is easy to understand, if you understand the difference between Commonwealth and non-Commonwealth countries. Commonwealth countries are the countries that were once the territories of British Empire and are now independent states. Said that, now let us see what a High Commission and […]