The key difference between saline and alkaline soils is that saline soils have a pH less than 8.5 and an exchangeable sodium percentage less than 15, while alkaline soils have a pH greater than 8.5 and an exchangeable sodium percentage higher than 15. Soil pH is an important parameter in terms of soil fertility. It […]
Difference Between Biosphere and Lithosphere
The key difference between biosphere and lithosphere is that the biosphere is a part of the crust and atmosphere that support living matter while the lithosphere is the solid shell of the Earth that includes the crust and part of the uppermost mantle. There are four main spheres in the Planet Earth such as hydrosphere, […]
Difference Between Oligotrophic and Eutrophic Lakes
The key difference between oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes is that the oligotrophic lakes contain a very low level of nutrient composition while the eutrophic lakes contain a very high amount of nutrient composition. There are many lakes located all over the world. They differ by geographic location, pollution rates, environmental conditions and the nutrient contents. […]
Difference Between Coagulation and Flocculation in Water Treatment
Key Difference – Coagulation vs Flocculation in Water Treatment Water treatment is an important aspect which involves many different steps. Since water treatment is a very sensitive and important process it requires the presence of both physical and chemical processes. Restoration of water quality is assured during water treatment. Coagulation and flocculation steps are […]
Difference Between Bio Carbon and Fossil Carbon
The key difference between bio carbon and fossil carbon is that bio carbon is a form of renewable carbon found in biological systems such as plants, animals, microorganisms, soil and oceans while fossil carbon is a form of non-renewable carbon found in fossil fuels. Carbon is a macro-element present in all living organisms and non-living […]
Difference Between Food Chain and Food Pyramid
The key difference between food chain and food pyramid is that the food chain does not give a quantitative measurement while the food pyramid gives an idea of the quantity of food to be consumed. Food is the major source of chemical energy for living organisms. The organisms process the food consumed in order to […]
Difference Between Habitat and Ecosystem
The key difference between habitat and ecosystem is that the habitat is the natural environment or area in which an organism lives while the ecosystem is a functional unit in which plants, animals, microorganisms and physical environments interact with each other. Habitat and ecosystem are two different components of ecology. Habitat is the natural home […]
Difference Between Ecological Footprint and Carbon Footprint
The key difference between ecological footprint and carbon footprint is that the ecological footprint measures the human demand on the earth’s ecological capacity while the carbon footprint measures the human impact on the environment with the amount of greenhouse gases produced in units of carbon dioxide equivalents. Today both the scientific and the corporate community refer […]
Difference Between Manure and Organic Matter
The key difference between manure and organic matter is that the manure is a form of organic matter which is man-made while the organic matter is the carbon-rich compounds formed naturally in the soil. Plants are the main primary producers in our ecosystems. Hence, they are important for supplying food for other animals and also […]
Difference Between Scavenger and Decomposer
The key difference between scavenger and decomposer is that the scavenger is an organism which feeds on dead plants, animals or carrion and breaks down them into smaller pieces while the decomposer is an organism which decays the small pieces of organic matter left by the scavengers. Producers, consumers, and decomposers are the three most […]