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Difference Between a Basin and a Valley

Basin vs Valley

There is a clear difference between a basin and a valley though there is some similarity in their shapes too. Basin and valley are different formations on the surface of the earth. According to the Oxford dictionary, a basin is “a circular or oval valley or natural depression on the earth’s surface, especially one containing water.” A valley is “a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it.” We can give the same definition in these words as well: A river basin is the land area that is drained by a river and its tributaries. A valley is a low land surrounded by hills or mountains often having a river or stream running along the bottom.

What is a Basin?

Basin is derived from the Old French word bacin. Any land that descends into a river or a stream is called a basin. It is interesting to note that the surface of the land covering its highest point down to the bottom of the stream or river is taken as part of the stream’s drainage. A small river basin is called watershed

A basin is otherwise called as watershed too. A river basin is normally a part of the land drained by the river and its tributaries. It is characterized by a flow of streams and creeks. A river basin acts like the arteries in our body that connects one part of the body to the other. The duty of a river basin is to send all the water in the form of streams and creeks falling on the land into a principal river and in turn into the ocean. You would find that all the streams down the hillocks flow into one river. The ocean is, of course, the final destination of the river into which all the streams flow in a basin. As a matter of fact, everyone lives in a river basin. All the water that we use, say in the bathroom, in the pond, in the kitchen and water draining in the street go to the river and in turn to the ocean.

What is a Valley?

Delving into the history of the word, one can find that valley is the descendant of the Old French word valee. In definition, a valley, on the contrary, to a basin, is a typical low land eventually surrounded by hills or mountains. They are generally large and are not narrow. You would find the valleys are characterized by climates that are different from the surrounding areas. They are easy to navigate too. It is important to note that the earth’s geological features are assisted by the presence of valleys that are very much helpful to the human life.

Valleys can be categorized based on the method of their formation. When the earth’s crust gets separated, a rift valley is formed and violent tectonic movements form it. Sometimes a glacier is capable of causing a valley. It is called glacier valley. River valleys are formed in a slow manner thanks to the process of erosion.

What is the difference between a Basin and a Valley?

• Any land that descends into a river or a stream is called a basin. A valley, on the contrary, to a basin, is a typical low land eventually surrounded by hills or mountains.

• A basin is otherwise called as watershed too.

• A basin is characterized by a flow of streams and creeks. Valleys can be categorized based on the method of their formation.

• The duty of a river basin is to send all the water in the form of streams and creeks falling on the land into a principal river and in turn into the ocean.

• Valleys are generally large and are not narrow. You would find the valleys are characterized by climates that are different from the surrounding areas.


Further Reading:

  1. Difference Between Valley and Canyon