Abiogenesis vs Biogenesis
The origin of life is a controversial topic and also it has a long history. Ancient people believed that the origin of life is a spontaneous mechanism and occurs due to nonliving substances. This opinion was known as “Abiogenesis”. However, finally scientists proved that the origin of life is actually caused by preexisting living organism, not by nonliving substances, and this opinion was known as “Biogenesis”.
Abiogenesis is an ancient belief about the origin of life. This is also known as the theory of spontaneous generation of life. The theory of abiogenesis stated that the origin of living organism is due to nonliving substances, or it is a spontaneous incident. However, until now scientists have been unable to accomplish this theory by experiments.
Biogenesis is the currently accepted theory regarding the origin of a new life. The theory of biogenesis states that the origin of life is because of preexisting living cells or an organism. Louis Pasteur, Francesco Reddy, and Lazzaro Spallanzani experimentally proved this theory.
Abiogenesis vs Biogenesis
• Abiogenesis states that the origin of life is due to another nonliving material, or it is a spontaneous mechanism, whereas biogenesis reveals that the origin of life is due to another preexisting living organism or cells.
• Abiogenesis failed to prove experimentally while biogenesis was experimentally proved by many scientists.
Bullshit. Abiogenesis is the only valid way. Something cannot come from nothing; This is like disproving MAGIC and INCANTATION SPELLS. We have fossils to prove it. This page is religious non-sense.
All BS. Abiogenesis is the only valid way without logical fallacies. Something cannot come from nothing; This is like disproving MAGIC and INCANTATION SPELLS. We have fossils to prove it. This page is religious non-sense.