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Difference Between Age and Tenure

Age vs Tenure

Age and tenure are two important factors looked into in hiring a person. Age defines the experience one has gained in his life in one or many organizations and tenure defines the time period one has served in one or many organizations. Age can also be assumed as total number of years that a person has lived since birth but when we talk in context of professional life then we start counting age from the year he started his professional career. The number of years that pass from joining to leaving of an organization by a person is called tenure. Both age and tenure are used to describe about the professional capabilities of a person.

As a person grows old it is often the case that he gains experience in a particular field so when we talk about his age it often refers to number of years that he has spend in that particular field and is now its master. Age defines maturity and as the confidence of a person grows with age he is able to take more and more complex decisions with ease. The companies and organizations all over the world prefer age for the jobs in high hierarchy that carry great responsibilities and demand good decision making. The age old saying that ‘the older the man the wiser he will be’ is true for almost all.

A person starting his professional career has to learn the tricks of the trade and it is only after certain period of time he is able to handle situations deftly. More often he tries to switch jobs so as to gain experience from the work that he do in different companies. This not only makes him expert but also gets exposure to different types of situations that arise during the job. Every period from joining to leaving a particular company is called his tenure of work in that particular company. Tenure can last up to any number days, months or years. Generally people tend to stick to one company if they find job satisfaction in that company in such a case their entire job period is completed in single tenure. A person’s professional career is a good one if he has few numbers of tenures and that of long periods.

Age vs Tenure

Age and tenure are of great importance for human resource department as these two factors are carefully looked into before hiring a person.

• Age of a person defines the number of years he has lived or in professional terms the experience he has gained in his life in one or many organizations but tenure defines a time period that a person has spent in a particular job.

• Age is a definite sign of maturity and expertise where as tenure cannot guarantee that.

• Age is always counted in years but tenure can be in any unit of time.

• Age is a preferred criterion of selection for a job than tenure.

• Age can sometimes be overlooked for a brilliant tenure of work.

• A young prodigy with excellent tenure at reputed institution can sometimes beat old horse in the fight over a coveted job.