Android 2.3 vs Android 2.4
Android 2.3 and Android 2.4, are almost similar operating systems in features except for few differences. Android 2.3 named as ‘Gingerbread’ was only released in December 2010 and there are only few phones that run 2.3. Within two months we hear about another upgrade from Google Android. The new version, Android 2.4 is also to go by the same code name ‘Gingerbread’ and expected to be released in April 2011 with Viewsonic’s ViewPad 4.
Android 2.4
Google Android meantime released another platform called Android 3.0 (Honeycomb), though all expected that to support large screen smart phones and tablets, it surprised everyone when it came as an exclusive platform for tablets. To make for that now Android has come up with another upgrade, Android 2.4 that will incorporate some of the Honeycomb features. The new feature to be included in Android 2.4 in addition to what it inherit from Android 2.3 is the support for applications developed for dual core processor to run on single core devices.
Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) was designed to run either single core or multi core architecture and support symmetric multi processing in a multi core environment. Android 3.0 also designed to be backward compatible, that means you can use the applications designed for earlier versions on Android 3.0. In addition, Honeycomb also support rich multimedia applications such as HTTP live streaming, built-in support for Media/Picture Transfer Protocol (MTP/PTP) over USB, and more types of connectivity. Android 2.4 can be expected to incorporate these features as well.
Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)
Android 2.3 or Gingerbread that was released in December 2010 had many new features incorporated in addition to that came with 2.2. The Android 2.3 incorporated new features such as UI themes, redesigned keyboards, new copy and paste functionality, improved power management, better application management, new download manager, NFC (Near Field Communication), support for VoIP/SIP calls, new Camera application for accessing multiple cameras and supports extra large screens.
Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) supports following features:
Generic Features (Common for Android 2.2 as well) Advanced Microsoft Exchange support Integration of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine into the Browser application Wi-Fi hotspot functionality Voice dialling and contact sharing over Bluetooth Support for file upload fields in the Browser application Animated GIFs supported in browser. Adobe Flash 10.1 supported Support for extra high DPI screens
Additional Features of Android 2.3 New user interface design with new themes (Black themes save power) Extra Large Screen Size supported SIP Communication Supported (SIP Video and Audio Calling)* Supports for NFC (High Frequency High Speech Data Transfer in short range) Support for WebM/VP8 video playback, and AAC audio encoding New audio effects such as reverb, equalization, headphone virtualization, and bass boost Improved Copy and Paste functionality Redesigned Multi Touch Software Keyboard Audio, graphical, and input enhancements for game developers New sensors support (i.e gyroscope) Download manager for long running HTTP downloads Enhanced support for native code Improved power management and application control Support for multiple cameras |
Related Links:
Difference Between Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) for Tablet
Difference Between Android 2.2 (Froyo) and Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)
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