Arabian vs Quarter Horses
Quarter horse and Arabian horse are two horse breeds with distinctive features, which are important to notice for a better differentiation. One such difference is that they originated in two different parts of the world. However, there are many more differences between them, and this article discusses the most important but mostly unnoticed differences by many.
Quarter Horse
Quarter horse is the most popular horse breed in the United States with more than four million registered horses, and they are usually known as American quarter horse. They originated in the United States. They are useful in both horseracing and horseshows, as they are gifted with many talents. Quarters have a strong and muscular body with a powerful chest, and their round hindquarters are distinguishable. In addition, they have a unique head profile, which is straight, short, small, and refined. Quarter horses are available in three main body types known as Stock type, Halter type, and Hunter or Racing type. The Stock type is smaller and more compact, while the Racing type is taller comparatively, and the Halter type contains muscular horses with characteristic head and muzzle shapes. However, the average height at the withers ranges from 140 to 160 centimetres. Quarter horses have some of fatal genetic diseases including the Lethal white syndrome, but healthy ones could live more than 30 years. They are available in many different colours. However, the spotted colour patterns were not accepted, but now they are considered as Quarter horses, if there are registered purebred parents.
Arabian Horse
Arabian horse was originated in the Arabian Peninsula, and have a long history dates back more than 4,500 years from today. They are well adapted horses for desert conditions, and they can survive without water up to three days or 72 hours. Arabian horses have some defining characteristics for them including refined wedge shaped head, large eyes, large nostrils, and a small muzzle. Their forehead looks slightly bulged between the eyes. In addition, their arched neck, long level croup, and high carried tail are also important to notice. Usually, their height at the withers ranges from 142 to 152 centimetres. Coat colouration is important to consider for the Arabian horses, as the colours bay, gray, chestnut, black, and roan are present in purebreds. However, there are no purebred Arabians with white colour coats, but Sabino spotting pattern is present among their purebreds. Arabian horse is a versatile breed and easy to train, but they might carry some genetic disorders. They usually live about 25 – 30 years under healthy conditions.
What is the difference between Arabian and Quarter Horse? · Arabian horse has a very long history with man but not for the American Quarter horse. · The country of origin of the Quarter horse is the United States, but it was the Arabian Peninsula for the Arabian horses as their names indicate. · Quarter horse is slightly larger than Arabian horse. · Quarters have small, short, and refined head with a straight profile, whereas Arabians have refined wedge shaped head with large eyes, large nostrils, and a small muzzle. · Arabians have an arched neck, but it is different in Quarters. · Arabians have a high carried tail, while it is a falling tail in Quarters. · Quarters have three major body types, but Arabians have only one body type.
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