Key Difference – Assumption vs Presumption
The difference between assumption and presumption stems from the difference between the two verbs assume and presume. Although these two words are often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between the two. Presume means ‘suppose to be the case on the basis of probability’ whereas assume means ‘suppose to be the case without proof’. Based on these meanings, assumption refers to a thing that is accepted as true without proof whereas presumption refers to an idea that is considered to be true on the basis of probability. This is the key difference between assumption and presumption.
What Does Assumption Mean?
Assumption basically refers to something that is taken as truth without proof. When we make an assumption, we usually have no knowledge of a situation nor any prior experience regarding this situation; thus, there is a good chance that our assumption might prove false.
The young scientist challenged the earlier assumptions about the function of hormones.
Her essay was based on several false assumptions.
Making wrong assumptions about someone can cause a lot of problems.
The experiment turned out to be a failure because it was based on false assumptions.
We made several assumptions about his character from this incident, but I’m not sure how true they are.
Assumption can also refer to the action of taking on responsibility or power. For example,
Upon Kennedy’s assumption of the presidency, he immediately arranged a tour to Mumbai.
Many opposed Hitler’s assumption of power, but there were some who supported it.

She made a false assumption about the whole scenario.
What Does Presumption Mean?
A presumption is an idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability. This noun is derived from the verb presume. An assumption can turn out to be true since it is based on probability. In terms of accuracy, a presumption may be more accurate than an assumption. The following examples will help you to understand the meaning of presumption more clearly.
Some found his presumptions about females very offending.
She is blinded by her presumptions to see the truth.
His hypothesis is based on two presumptions, if one proved to be false, the whole concept would not make any sense.
I want to change the presumption that today’s youth are addicted to technology.
Presumption in Law
The noun presumption is also related to law. In law, it refers to “a legal inference as to the existence or truth of a fact not certainly known that is drawn from the known or proved existence of some other fact”.
What is the difference between Assumption and Presumption?
Assumption refers to something that is taken as truth without proof.
Presumption refers to an idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability.
Assumption is based on the verb assume.
Presumption is based on the verb presume.
Assumption may be inaccurate since it is not based on any proof.
Presumption may be more accurate than assumption since it is based on probability.
Alternative Meanings:
Assumption also refers to the action of taking on responsibility or power.
Presumption refers to a legal inference as to the existence or truth of a fact not certainly known that is drawn from the known or proved existence of some other fact.
Image Courtesy:
“1367427” (Public Domain) via Pixabay
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