Bail vs Parole
Bail and parole are two terms that are often used in legal proceedings that are easy to get confused with one another. during legal proceedings that are easy to get confused with one another. However, knowing the difference between bail and parole will lend much needed insight into the legal system, thereby helping to understand the proceedings better.
What is Bail?
Bail is the act of depositing cash or some form of property before being convicted of a crime to release a suspect from jail on the understanding that he or she will return to trial to forfeit the bail. In most cases, if the suspect has complied with all of the court’s conditions and made all court appearances, at the end of the trial, the bail money is returned regardless of whether the suspect has been found guilty or not. The judge may set down a certain amount of bail that depends basically on the seriousness and the kind of crime committed.
The bond can be deposited with one’s own money or through a bondsman in which case, an interest too must be paid. The fee and the interest paid in such cases are not refundable.
What is Parole?
Parole can be easily defined as early release from prison prior to his or her maximum sentence provided that the prisoner agrees to certain conditions. This occurs after the prisoner has spent a certain amount of time in jail after which he or she is sent up for parole. During this procedure, a group of people will determine whether or not be released from jail early depending on the behaviour of the inmate during his sentence. The term ‘parole’ comes from the French word ‘parole’ which translates itself into ‘voice’ or the ‘spoken word.’ It came into being with association with prisoners who were released on their word during the Middle Ages. However, if one does go out on parole, the prisoner is not entirely free. He or she is required to speak to a parole officer to make sure that appropriate rules and regulations are followed during the time spent outside. This is done in order to ensure the full rehabilitation of the person without hindering his or her freedom. However, if proper procedure is followed and the person is in good behaviour, the parolee is set off parole.
What is the difference between Bail and Parole?
Facing criminal charges is quite a serious matter. While the consequences of being convicted can be very grave, there are ways and means of managing the situation with the least amount of damage caused. Bail and parole are two such methods which are often in danger of being confused with one another due to their somewhat similar nature.
• Bail is posted prior to being convicted. Parole is granted after being convicted. It is defined as early release from prison on good behaviour.
• Just because bail is posted does not mean that the suspect is released. However, parole grants freedom to the convict.
• Bail involves the depositing of some form of property in return for the release of a suspect prior to being convicted. Parole does not involve the depositing of any property.
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