BBQ vs Grilling
The difference between BBQ and grilling can be confusing to some as both use the same piece of equipment. As soon as summer approaches, more and more people take out their BBQ and grill in their backyards to have fun over weekends with friends along with delicious recipes. Man first learnt to cook food when he learnt to make fire, and BBQ and grilling are thus as early as human civilization. Though cooking meat or other vegetables directly over the fire is the basic principle behind both BBQ and grill, there are many differences in methodology and the taste of the food cooked that will be discussed in this article.
What is Grilling?
Grill makes use of direct heat from below or above to cook. It is the difference in temperature of flame and time duration that brings along differences in flavor and taste of the cooked meat. So, it is high heat directly in case of grilling. If you have purchased high quality cuts of meat, it is better to go for grilling as low level heat tends to suck out all moisture from the pieces making them tough and dry. High heat cooks the meat quickly locking the juices inside.Grilling is a quick process, and you can expect to cook a steak in about 15-20 minutes. A steak is high quality meat that is taken from the hindquarters of a bull. Normally, this meat is cut into thick slices. Since this is a high quality part of meat, you can grill a steak. Grilling never can add the aroma and taste of the smoke that gets in a barbecued food. When grilling is done, the cooking temperature is often around 500F (260° C) or more.
What is BBQ?
In BBQ, one cooks to the side of the heat. Otherwise, it is hard to tell a difference between a BBQ and grill hardware. In BBQ, one uses heat at a low level or indirect heat to prepare meats. When you have bought less expensive cuts of meat, lower heat of BBQ along with cooking for a long time period makes the pieces tender. When it comes to the time of cooking, authentic barbecuing may take a full day to cook fully. But there is no dearth of people willing to wait for such a long time to savor the unique flavor that develops with low level heat. BBQ lovers relish the mouth watering taste of a properly cooked meat that comes with the smoke of the wood. The smoke gets fully absorbed as the meat gets cooked over several hours unlike grilling that cooks the food in a few minutes. When it comes to the temperature used in BBQ, it is around 225F or less. You can BBQ less expensive pieces of meat such as pork shoulder, brisket, and ribs.
What is the difference between BBQ and Grilling?
Both BBQ and grilled foods are very popular in summers as people love to have social gatherings in their backyards.
• Though both involve the use of heat without oil to cook foods, grill makes use of high level direct heat while BBQ involves low level heat or indirect heat.
• When grilling is done, the cooking temperature is often around 500F or more. When it comes to the temperature used in BBQ, it is around 225F or less.
• Grilling cooks meats in minutes while BBQ requires several hours, even a day to cook meat.
• Expensive and high quality cuts of meat require grilling as low level heat of BBQ makes them tough and dry, sucking all the moisture.
• Inexpensive cuts of meat are better suited to BBQ as low level heat for several hours make them tender.
• The mouthwatering taste of BBQ food is because of the flavor that gets developed with longer cooking.
• Another big difference is the absorption of smoke from the wood in BBQ dishes which is not there in grilled food.
• Grilling is also tasty as the high heat used in grilling caramelize the surface of the piece of meat and stop the juices from flowing out.
• When you are grilling, the lid of the grill is up. You are using the direct heat. When you are doing BBQs the lid is down as your piece of meat is getting smoked too with low heat.
So, now that you know the difference between BBQ and grilling, you can choose the method you like the most for your cooking.
Images Courtesy:
- Grilling hamburgers by Carlos Lopez (CC BY 2.0)
- Chicken, pork and bacon wrapped corn cooked in a barbecue smoker via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
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