BSc Psychology vs BA Psychology
BSc Psychology and BA Psychology are two degrees between which certain differences can be identified. These two degrees are being offered to students in several colleges and universities across the world. Overall when we speak of psychology it is the study of the human mind and behavior. However, when it comes to the course content and specialization one can identify a number of differences in the two degrees though they pertain to the same discipline. This can be very confusing for the Psychology students. Hence, this article attempts to highlight the differences while examining the two degrees of BSc Psychology and BA Psychology.
What is BSc Psychology?
BSc Psychology is considered more practical in nature than BA Psychology. In other words, it can be said that the practical application of psychology is given more importance in the degree of BSc Psychology. Another important difference between BSc Psychology and BA Psychology is that the students of BSc Psychology are required to undergo strenuous training in the practical aspect of the subject and hence have to submit a dissertation at the end of the course.
Also, since the students of BSc Psychology study the subject in the more practical way, they study applied psychology more than what the students of BA Psychology do. The period of study of BSc Psychology is also three years in most universities, but a few other universities prescribe four years of study for the completion of the course. Most people believe that having a BSc in Psychology would bring about more opportunities in comparison to a BA in Psychology since it prepares the students for career options in science after the completion of the degree. However, these depend on the individual and the needs and skills that the student has. He exposure to research and methodology related experience is relatively high in this stream.
What is BA Psychology?
The students of BA psychology take the course in a more traditional way whereas the BSc Psychology students take the course in the modern way. The traditional significance and importance of Psychology as a subject is imparted to the students of the BA Psychology course. The submission of the dissertation is not made mandatory in the case of the students of the BA Psychology degree. The period of study of BA Psychology is three years in most universities.
BA Psychology students tend to study subjects such as philosophy and logic more than the students of BSc Psychology students. This is because the students of BA Psychology study the subject in the traditional way. However, it has to be noted that in some universities the BA Psychology students and the BSc Psychology students are taught the same courses. In these cases, the difference in discipline stems from the elective courses. For an example, the Arts student would take elective courses such as English, Mass media, and Statistics whereas the Science student would choose elective courses such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
What is the Difference Between BSc Psychology and BA Psychology?
• BA psychology students take the course in a more traditional way whereas the BSc Psychology students take the course in the modern way.
• The traditional significance and importance of Psychology as a subject is imparted to the students of the BA Psychology course whereas the application of it is with the BSc Psychology course.
• The period of study of BA Psychology is three years in most universities. On the other hand, the period of study of BSc Psychology is also three years in most universities but a few other universities prescribe four years of study for the completion of the course.
• BA Psychology students tend to study subjects such as philosophy and logic more than the students of BSc Psychology students.
Image Courtesy:
1. Group Therapy by Research Report Series: Therapeutic Community (w:The National Institute on Drug Abuse) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
2.”Hall Freud Jung in front of Clark”. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
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