Catholic vs Christian Bible
Though the Bible, in essence, carries the word of God, there exists some difference between Catholic Bible and Christian Bible. This is a subject of discussion to followers of Christianity and Catholicism. As we all know, the bible is one of the most important compilations of writings in the entire world. Whatever religious group, the main focus of their teachings and preaches are that of the word of God. The bible has been passed down from generations to generations, from one language to another. Even the recent bibles we have right now are still undergoing translations and revisions; hence, we have different editions and versions. The Christian bible and Catholic bible are two of the most common bibles you can find in bookstores and religious stores worldwide. Both have had a certain amount of revision in the past years.
What is the Catholic Bible?
The Catholic Bible in the early days was actually not one book; it was a whole library of books from writings to historical events referring to the religion. The stories of Jesus and his apostles and their lives after Jesus died on the cross were part of the bible. Stories about their struggles and the difficulties they had encountered in spreading Catholicism was among them. It was not until the late 4th century that the books were compiled to create one volume.
The Catholic, as a church, kept some of the life stories and scriptures that were deemed inappropriate by other religious groups. The church uses the bible as their way to see God and by following what the bible tells us is essential. However, aside from the bible, the Catholic Church believes in the teachings of traditional catholic belief. The belief in purgatory and the adoration of Mary are a few of the many teachings in Catholic that have no direct reference or substantial weight in the bible. These preaching and teachings are the things that are being questioned by other religions.
What is the Christian Bible?
The Christian bible underwent canonization of the doctrines or books. This canonization is a process of selecting which books should stay and become part of the Bible. The Christians have selected only those they deemed was God’s words and left out the stories and doctrines purely made by man himself. That means, Christians have included only what is thought to be God’s word in the Bible. A canonization does not occur in just one sitting, but rather it happens over the years.
The Christian bible, on the other hand, has selected the finest parts of the doctrines and believes that only the Bible can dictate someone’s faith. The Christians do not believe in saint worship and even Mother Mary is not being praised by Christians because the bible does not dictate it.
What is the difference between Catholic and Christian Bible?
Catholics declare they are the true followers of the religion. So, does Christians. They have their different beliefs. These beliefs are shown in their Bibles as the Bible is the Holy Scripture they follow. All their faith is concentrated in this book. Therefore, Catholic and Christian Bible are both important.
• Catholic Bible in addition to God’s words kept some life stories, scriptures, and events in the Bible.
• Christian bible has selected the finest parts of the doctrines and beliefs which were deemed God’s word.
The Bible itself was been revised and edited by multiple authors that the truth of the word might have been misinterpreted along the way. This is the common issue that arises when the Bible is brought into topic. The only thing that keeps a religious group together is the faith and belief that they have for their bible.
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Doc Barney says
Difference between the Catholic and Christian Bible? Catholics ARE Christians!! The question should be, “What is the difference between the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bible!
Daniel Beem says
lataka hayton says
hello so if each religion has only opted to use the text in which is best suited for their beliefs. does that mean there is a text out there that is made up of all the scriptures of the word of God? if so how would i find it to read it. I’m a Christian and i believe in the father,son,and holy ghost. That Jesus is Gods only begotten so and that he died for our sins. but i also want to learn more. I would only like to no of a text, original before the different bibles were made , if its true. i would want to no more about it. again thank you for your time.God bless
Cristina says
Hello Lataka, please know that the Catholic Bible IS the TRUE Bible. It is comprised of two the COMPLETE Old Testament and the New Testament. We have 7 more books within the OT than do Protestant Bibles. This is because during the 1st century, after Jesus died, He did not leave us with a list of what books were supposed to be in the Bible, but he did leave the Apostles with His Authority. Those Apostles founded His Church, the TRUE Church of Jesus Christ, and they decided that the 7 books that Protestants took out of the bible in the 17th century, were actually CANONICAL. It was not until After the Protestant Revolt that Protestants ( whom you refer to as Christians) started printing their bibles without the 7 disputed books ( Judith, Tobit, Sirach, Maccabees 1 and 2, Baruch, Wisdom). Those books were included in the Jewish Bible, from whom we get the Old Testament, and more importantly, JESUS Christ HIMSELF quoted from the disputed books. So, the question is, if those books ( which Protestants refuse and omit) were good enough for Jesus, why are they not good enough for Protestants? Now, please understand that Protestant Bibles for the most part correctly copied the Catholic Bible, but its incomplete. The only reason Protestants have a bible is because they got it from the Catholic Church, but omitted seven books that they disagreed with because they contained the WORD of GOD that contradicted with their new man made doctrine such as “saved by faith ALONE” and ” BIBLE ALONE” doctrines. Hopes this helps, and hope you continue your search for the Truth. God bless you.
Tammy says
Christ did not follow any religion. He “did what he saw his Father do”. The Bible that Christians believe came from early Greek and Hebrew manuscript. It is believed by Christians that it is inspired by God by the Power of the Holy Spirit.( 2Timothy 16)Further, the extra books in the Catholic bibles were added by the catholic diocese. (Synod of Hippo)
We are all saved by grace and not by works (Ephesians 2:8). There is a wealth of information on the web. One should learn for themselves!
Elebia says
Cynthia says
Saved by faith alone. After what Jesus went through on the cross our belief in Him and who He is and what was accomplished, do we need to say almost saved? I just have to do some extra things. The work that we do is for His glory because we love Him
Emcy says
Please i would like to know the chapter that Jesus quoted from those 7 books removed by Christians
Bill says
You seem very touchy. Perhaps if Catholics called themselves Christians instead of Catholics all the time people would make the mistake.
Carol Galvin says
I have to agree with Doc Barney! I was raised a Catholic but my adult life has been in the Protestant Churches. A Christian is literally defined as a follower of Christ without any denomination in there. Both these religions are followers of Christ. Man has elected to make up his own rules in each denomination…I wonder what God thinks of that? But these are mysteries and separation will not be tolerated in the Kingdom to come.
dskap201 says
No, Catholics are Christian in name only!
Their doctrines of man are absolutely contrary to everything the Bible teaches and the Bible WARNS us of such false teachings and those who claim the name of Jesus but lead many to the pit of hell.
, says the Lord “For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many”
The Catholic church is not of God but of Satan.
There is but one true Gospel and the Catholic version of the gospel is NOT the true Gospel!
Come out of her my people saith the Lord!
Daniel Beem says
You are an idiot. Catholics are the original Christians. All protestant denominations were founded by men who didn’t like part of the original teachings of the Church. The Catholic Church is the original Christian church founded by Jesus. If you repent now, maybe you’ll make it to Heaven with me.
Razpootin says
You are all idiots, Jesus is a mythical character; and the catholic church was not started until about 300 years of the alleged Jesus.
Bobby says
Well no harm in believing in Jesus he showed us a good life plan. However Razpootin yo best be right
Cynthia says
Daniel, and you see that in the Bible where?
Cynthia says
I’d rather believe in Jesus and upon dying find out He was mythical (because as someone said, it’s a good life) than die not believing and find out He is the real… which he is.
Emcy says
@cynthia I am lifted.
May God bless you and grant you eternal life in His paradise…
Cristina says
Bobby says
Ever read about the history of how sinful the Popes were ? Best what ever type of Christian you are you go by your own faith and belief not preachers and popes.
Thor Stone says
Anyone that attacks with no proof shows their ignorance. Jesus knew from very early age that he was going to be the sacrificial Lamb for man. This was to show that GOD can and does forgive. Look at all that has been shown about the Vatican, The Pope. Do you think Jesus would sit on a Golden Throne while millions starved? Do you think he would hide pedophiles? I believe in GOD, His Son Jesus and also believe that religion has been used to further personal gains rather than for people. Everything happening around the world today is exactly what the bible predicted nearly 2000 years ago.
Big CAT says
Well, The denominations are all flawed.
I hate to blast the Catholics – but the Pope is not Christ on Earth (Vicar of Christ). The Catholic Church has embarrassed all of Christianity. The Pope burned Joan of Arch at the Stake – then they call her a Saint. Popes have Blasphemed (check out Pope Boniface the VIII, Pope Pius X, Pope Pius XII (“The Pope is not Simply the Representative of Jesus Christ. On the Contrary, he is Jesus Christ himself, under the veil of Flesh” ) The Roman Catholics killed Millions of Christians because they didn’t believe exactly as they did – The Crusades. The Pope gave Indulgencies for $$$ – that seems real. The Pope can say no Wrong when leading the Church (Papacy Crap that came around 1780 -certainly not in the Bible). Today, More embarrassment (Wolfs in the cloak -child Molestation – lots of it).
The Roman Catholic church pulled out of the original 5 Churches (Pentarchy) because, of course, Politics by the Roman Emperor Constantine. Constantine is also considered a Saint ?? Really (he worshiped the SUN God, and was no Theologen). The Orthodox think he was good as well (he had son and wife executed)!!
The only thing we can trust is the Holy Bible (Word of God written through men). I’m Orthodox and I don’t think they have it 100% correct,
I’ve looked deep into the History of it all – still learning.
Big Cat
Roy Crytser says
Why … do the Catholics continue to have a cross with Jesus STILL nailed to it ??
HELLO ‼️‼️ He IS NOT STILL ON THE CROSS !! If He were, His sacrifice would have been for nothing…!!
It is, BECAUSE HI NO LONGER ON THE CROSS, but was taken off the cross, placed on a cave, …AND …!!
Jason says
Protestants or colloquially known as “Christians”, born-again Christians we’re Catholics until Martin Luther decided to “protest” the Roman church hierarchy.
Hello??? If you believe in the holy Trinity, the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the holy grace of the Holy Spirit. You can call yourself Waldo….but you are a Christian!
Don’t let the Devil be in the details !
May I sigh? Geez !
Robynn says
start at the top and read all the way to the bottom, does ANY of this sound like LOVE??? If ANY of us are Christians , we are to LOVE AS CHRIST loves!! “And the greatest of these is LOVE”…without love we sound like “clashing symbols”….the world looks at us and laughs /mocks!! Either way; Catholic or Protistant (whomever you are) represent the Christ you serve and “love the other”!! Peace to you all. God knows the answers, He said, “If you search for me with all your heart, you WILL FIND ME”. He won’t let you down. Pick up the Bible that IS available to YOU and the Holy Spirit will guide YOU!! Trust HiM.
Jen says
Thank you for your words, finally someone gets it. Cant we just all love and treat each other with respect, without having to attack each others religion? Catholic or Protestant, we are all Christians in the sense tat we BELIVE in Christ, lets all live as Christ wants us to live.
DotGab says
Even the demons believe in Christ. Our call is to love and obey Jesus Christ, the Word of God, spreading the Gospel (not a false one) and discipling the lost.