Catholic vs Methodist
Christianity may be the single largest religion of the world with more than 2.2 billion followers, but it has branched out into several denominations over the last 2000 years. The first split in Christianity took place in 1054 AD when the Eastern Orthodox denomination got away from the Catholic Church. The second big split or schism was a result of reform movements in Germany and France in the 16th century led by Martin Luther. This led to the establishment of Protestantism within Christianity. In 18th century, Protestantism itself gave way to Methodist Church because of the teachings of John Wesley. There are several differences between the two denominations of Christianity that will be highlighted in this article.
The Roman Catholic Church is what is meant by Catholic Church and Papal authority as the Vicar of Christ is the chief characteristic of Catholicism. Though Catholics regard Bible as sacred, they place equal importance on Christian traditions. Wherever there are worshippers of Jesus, there is the Catholic Church. A Catholic believes Christ to be the son of God who took birth as a human being for the salvation of mankind. All the teachings and the sacrifice of Christ are contained in Bible and the sacred book, and Catholics believe Bible to be a source of all gospels.
Catholics believe in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, and this is considered to be the characteristic feature of the denomination. The Bishops of Roman Catholic Church are considered successors of apostles of Jesus while the Pope is believed to be a successor of St Peter. All Catholics around the world are automatic members of this beautiful Church that is not only the oldest religious institutions of the Christians; it is also one that has shaped the destiny of much of the western world.
Methodism is one of the many splinter groups that came to light after Protestantism took shape because of the reform movement started by Martin Luther. Protestantism is represented by many denominations around the world that are followed by mire than 70 million people. Methodism shares the belief in Christ like all branches of Christianity but is distinct in its missionary work that is a result of a movement led by John Wesley and his brother in the 18th century. The basic tenet of Methodism lays in service to the people and the establishment of schools, hospitals, and orphanages and other similar institutions, and represents the desire of Jesus to serve the poor and the oppressed. Because of the orderly manner in which John Wesley and his followers lived their lives, they were branded as Methodists by other Catholics of the time. Wesley did not form a new denomination and remained within the aegis of Church of England. It was only after his death that his followers formed the Free Church of England. Though Methodists came from all sections of the society, it was the preaching by Methodists among the laborers and criminals that converted thousands of Catholics into Methodists.
What is the difference between Catholic and Methodist?
• Being one of the Protestants, Methodists do not subscribe to Papal authority; for the Catholics, the Pope is the true successor of St Peter.
• Faith in Christ alone is sufficient for entry into heaven according to Methodism whereas a Catholic has to indulge in good deeds, in addition to faith in Christ, to be given an entry into heaven.
• While Roman Catholic Church is considered supreme in Catholicism, Methodists do not recognize Pope as the successor of St Peter and Pope is not considered infallible by Methodists.
Elizabeth Kobe says
Interesting… it seems to find fault with true catholicism, the methodists do not hold Mary in the highest form of who she was. The methodist have a theology of there own, like all other denominations that have separated from the True church of Peter.
Edward B Palo!ino says
God blessed me with choice.Jesus as he preached did good deeds with Love and faith, fed thousands, healed the blind etc.. Faith alone won’t get you.where you want to go. I’m Catholic, I don’t pray to Saints, I study.their good deeds. And Mary, virgin or not must of been special to have Jesus Christ. Our Baptism, Communion,.Confirmation and other sacraments are to be celebrated with our church. Its not like come.on Sunday only church. Our priest mess up, we pay. There is no one be held responsible, there’s thousands of non denomination churches whose pastor commit.fouls.but never mentioned..
Vince Di. says
I think the Methodist Church is a wonderful (protestant) church. I am and will continue to be Roman Catholic. Those who believe we worship false Gods are wrong. Yes we have saints, and we ask them to intercede and bring our prayers to God, because we believe our prayers are heard by God. It is no different than asking a friend to pray for you when you are sick. We do that always and we ask for the saint’s intercession. Mary is the purest person who walked on earth. We surly pray to God, through the intercession of Mary.
Catholics are not perfect, and neither are their leaders. We (some of us) sometimes question the beliefs or statement made by the Pope on occasion, but we don’t throw away our Catholic belief because of disagreement with the Pope.
As for the priest scandal, I am glad that it is out, and hope every bit of it is out. Those Priests left, and the future Priests will help to rebuild the Catholic church, and make us stronger than ever before. I just hope that other Catholics stay and support the repair of our church.
David says
I agree. I’m raised Catholic but have attended pagan gnostic Quaker Anglican Buddhist and Methodist ceremonies
Ralph says
The problem with most religions including Catholic is that they are all works based beliefs or don’t believe in Jesus at all but some higher power. Jesus is God, He alone is worthy and enough for your salvation by his grace and finished work of the cross. This is why he said just before he died “It is Finished!”, he then rose again 3 days later to reign forever more as our mighty King!
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. ~ Eph. 2:8
Any religion that has to write or rewrite their own Bible or has to have some sort of supplement book to the original does not have their foundation built solidly on the Word of God. The King James, New King James and even the NASB are sufficient and do not need to be added on to with text that isn’t found in the original manuscripts which these bibles are based on. If you need help understanding the written word, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into revelation and truth about what you are reading. Consult reference / study / life application bibles for a deeper understanding of verses and how they might apply to your life.
We are in the last days if not the last hours, Jesus is coming back very soon so prepare your hearts and seek him with all you have! If you are willfully sinning, ask for repentance directly to the Father, you don’t need someone else to ask for you since Jesus is interceding on your behalf. (Heb 4:16) If you have unforgiveness in your heart, forgive those that have done wrong to you so that the Father may forgive you when you ask Him for forgiveness. (Mark 11:25) If you don’t know how to pray, He has given us a blue print You don’t need someone to pray for you, this is shown in Matt. 6:9.
May God bless you!
Jason says
KJV, NKJV, and NASB exactly what you are preaching against. They are translated versions into English and they do not contain the apocryphal books (originally in Greek) that are included in the Catholic bible. The Catholic bible was the first translation, and the Catholic church was built upon the rock (Petra) named by Jesus himself as him who would lead His church. Clear apostolic lineage, not created by man in protest to His church’s teachings.
Be well in Christ but careful casting stones, however small.
Bill says
There is only one mediater to God and that is Jesus not Mary and saints. Read your bible.
Christine Sum says
You’re taking it out of context, that is in the context that only Jesus can mediate in our salvation. In the sense that only He can die on the cross for us and save us from our sins to unite us back to God.