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Difference Between Character and Personality

Character vs Personality


Character and personality are both related to how a person behaves. Most of the time, these two words are used interchangeably, thus it might be helpful for us to discuss how these two differ from each other, that way one can have a better grasp as to what it means.


Character is basically defined to be a particular system of traits that are permanent to each person. One’s character shows on how the person acts and reacts to his or her peers; and how he or she deals everything that happens around him/her. One’s character is molded depending on his environment. If one grow up in a peaceful family-oriented atmosphere, most likely he has a good character.


The word personality actually originated from the Latin word persona; meaning mask. Personality is the set of characteristics that each person possess. Personality influences how one behaves as well as one’s motivations. The personality is the one making the person react in a certain way in various situations. Basically, it is the image that one presents in front of others, thus some refers to personality as “plastic” or untrue.

Difference between Character and Personality

Human behavior can be difficult to understand, so as character and personality. But one thing we have to understand is this; character is objective while personality is subjective. Character is something within you and is always there, for example, morals. On the other hand, one’s personality can and may change at some point in life. Take this, a person can have a good character and is known to do good things, but have a very loner and shy personality. Another person can be everyone’s best friend , but then turns out to be a traitor afterward.

One can say that character is one’s soul, the real you, while personality is your mask.

In brief:

Character is basically objective while personality is subjective.

Character is your inner self while personality is your mask.