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Difference Between Chimps and Humans

Chimps vs Humans

Chimps and humans are taxonomically close to each other, but there are enough differences between them to distinguish separately. Despite many similarities between human and chimp, the external appearance and behavioural differences are prominent. These two are the most evolved extant species out of all the animals, and their sophisticated brains have been important among others. This article provides additional information about both these species and compares the important differences. It would be important to go through the presented information, as these primates are always full of surprises.


Chimps or chimpanzees are a type of apes and the closest extant relative to the humans. Gorillas and orang-utans are their other close relatives. There are only two species of chimps described under the genus Pan, P. troglodytes (Common chimp) and P. paniscus (Bonobo). They have a physique that is much comparable with a human, and an adult chimp could weigh up to 70 kilograms. In addition, a well-grown adult could be easily over 1.6 metres in height. They have long and powerful arms, which are more important in climbing trees than walking on the ground. Chimps have five digits in each hand with an opposable thumb, which eases the grasp while moving through trees and branches as well as in using tools. However, the broad soles and the short toes of hind limbs are helpful features to walk on the ground and as well as to stand in the upright posture like humans. Chimps have a dark coloured coat with long hairs. Their eyesight is excellent with binocular and colour visions. Unlike most of the mammals, chimps do not have a tail. They live up to 40 years in wild, and there are records of 60 years old chimps under captive care.


Humans (Homo sapiens) are considered the most evolved of all animal species. The physiology and morphology of humans are quite different from other animals. Despite their uniqueness among all the animals, humans are different among themselves with regard to the desires, habits, ideas, skills, and many other features. The humans are remarkable in their ability to, understand, explain, and utilize the environment with respect to science, philosophy, and religion. The humans are social animals with strong relationships among them. Modern man is of mainly three types known as Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. Usually an average healthy adult human weighs about 50 to 80 kilograms while the height could vary within 1.5 and 1.8 metres. Only an unhealthy or an unusual man would break those limits. The life expectancy at birth for humans at birth averages around 67 years. Although, humans were the last to evolve, according to many scientists, and have not faced any of the major climatic or geographical changes those took place on Earth. Therefore, it is too soon to believe that the humans would survive any of the mass extinctions in future.


What is the difference between Chimps and Humans?

• Chimps have two species of the genus Pan, whereas humans are only one species.

• There are three main morphological types of humans while chimps do not have such types.

• Humans are more evolved than chimps.

• Chimps range only in Africa while humans inhabit every possible location of the world.

• Humans are the most intelligent species of all the extant animals while chimps come next.

• Humans have a longer life expectancy compared to chimps.

• Cultures, religions, philosophies are based in human activities while the behaviours of chimps have not portrayed anything like those.

• Chimps have a coarse cover of black coloured fur while humans have soft hairs on the skin with head, armpits, and pubic areas having coarse hairs.