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Difference Between Clips and Spacers

Clips vs Spacers

Clips and spacers are types of beads that play quite useful parts in a bracelet. When you are making your own bracelet, you may choose to use either or both of these. They are used to even out your decorative beads on your bracelet, although these are unnecessary.


Clips are types of beads that act like a clamp which you can fix on the threads of your bracelet. If you want to divide the pattern or decoration of the beads on your bracelet, clips are perfect for the job because they keep other beads from straying into another portion of your bracelet. You don’t really have to use them, but they are a sweet addition to your jewelry.


Spacers are little beads that thread into your bracelet but are not fixed. They are primarily used as subordination to your overall design, in order to give emphasis on the bigger beads. They leave space to even out the designs and provide additional patterns that may look nice on your bracelet. As with the clips, spacers may be omitted.

Difference between Clips and Spacers

Clips are immovable beads, while spacers are not fixed and may travel along the length of the thread if it is not positioned beside other beads. Spacers are quite smaller than clips, and are thus more effective at providing regular variations in size so that your bracelet does not appear too bold and bulky when worn. Evidently, clips are more efficient in fixing your beads in place, and may even be temporarily used to secure unused beads at bay while you take your break in the process of creating a bracelet.

While clips and spacers may be omitted from your bracelet design, it is inevitable that they could be of significance to your jewelry if needed.

In brief:

• Clips are large beads that are clamped onto a portion of thread to prevent other beads from running along the length of the thread.

• Spacers are smaller beads that are used to leave intervals between larger beads.