Cold War vs Hot War
Cold war and Hot war are two types of war that are described figuratively in order to stress the intensity and the nature of war. Cold war is normally a political war wherein violence is not employed. On the other hand, hot war is exactly the opposite of the cold war. In other words, it can be said that hot war is a serious war between two countries wherein guns and other deadly weapons are used.
In short, it can be said that a hot war is war wherein a real fight takes place between the soldiers or the armies of two countries. Guns and other weapons are literally employed to kill the opponent soldiers and sometimes even innocent people of the opponent country. This is the real nature of a hot war.
On the other hand, a cold war is a situation where actual fight does not take place. There can be war of words or debates, but there cannot be the real fight with the aid of weapons such as guns in a cold war. A cold war can be a war of words or war of actions. There can be threats of actual war in the case of a cold war. On the other hand, there need not be any threats of war in the case of hot war. This is because of the fact that hot war is nothing but the real war.
A hot war can witness bloodshed and loss of life to a great extent. On the other hand, a cold war does not witness bloodshed and loss of life for that matter. There is always a hope that a cold war can subside. On the other hand, there cannot be a real hope of a hot war subsiding at all. There is always a chance of the hot war getting intensified. This is another key difference between cold war and hot war.
Another important observation, when it comes to the difference between hot war and the cold war is that, cold war often leads to hot war. Many discussions that take place during the period of the cold war may fail, thereby leading to a hot war. Thus, it can be said that a cold war is often the cause of a hot war. Cold war is often described as a stalemate state of a war.
There is another way by which the difference between cold war and hot war can be explained. A cold war is normally fought between the diplomats without any gunfire or gunshot whatsoever. In other words, it can be said that no military force is actually used in the case of a cold war. A hot war is exactly the opposite of a cold war. Military force is the sheer backbone of a hot war. Violence is the motto of a hot war. These are the main differences between the cold war and hot war.
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