Complementary vs Complimentary
Wondering what the difference between complementary and complimentary is? It is a given fact that languages can be quite tricky to deal with even for a native speaker. The English language is no exception. There are certain words that sound and are spelled almost identically which makes the identification of these words extremely difficult. Complementary and complimentary are two such words that are often confused with one another because of their very similar natures. Therefore, let us first have a look at the meaning of complementary and complimentary and the context in which they are used, and then the difference between complementary and complimentary.
What does Complementary mean?
The word complementary can be defined as completing a certain aspect in such a way that enhances or emphasizes the quality or the qualities of one another. It can be something that makes another aspect better or more agreeable while it can also be made to indicate two or more things that go perfectly with one another. Complementary can also mean to indicate mutually supplying each other’s lack as well. For example,
They are a good couple. They are complementary to one another.
The above example indicates that the people in question mutually benefit one another thereby mutually supplying each other’s lack.
She wore a dress with a complementary pair of shoes.
The above example indicates that the pair of shoes matches the dress and enhances its quality by emphasising it.
What does Complimentary mean?
The term complimentary can be defined as expressing praise or admiration towards something or someone. It can also mean something given free as a courtesy or favour. For example,
This basket of fruit was given complimentary with the room.
The above sentence indicates that by the above gesture, the quality of service rendered by the hotel was enhanced.
The book received complimentary reviews.
The above sentence indicates that the book was well received and received praise from the audience.
He was very complimentary towards her throughout the evening.
The above sentence indicates that the person spoken of had been paying compliments to the lady in question throughout the evening.
What is the difference between Complementary and Complimentary?
Complementary and complimentary may be spelt quite similarly, but their definition cannot be more different. This is a fact that most, even native speakers of the English language are mostly unaware of. As of such, these two terms, complementary and complimentary, cannot be used interchangeably.
• Complementary means to complete a certain aspect in such a way that enhances or emphasizes the quality or the qualities of one another. Complimentary means to express praise or being appreciative towards something or someone.
• Complementary can also be defined as two or more things that go perfectly well with one another. Complimentary can also mean given free of charge.
Photos By: Michael Hernandez (CC BY 2.0), Adrian Wallace (CC BY 2.0)
This is a fact that most, even native speakers of the English language are mostly unaware of. As of such, these two terms, complementary and complimentary, cannot be used interchangeably.
This is a fact of which most people, even native speakers of the English language are unaware. As such, these two terms, complementary and complimentary, cannot be used interchangeably.