Country vs Continent
The landmass that each term, the country and the continent, indicate is one of the main differences between them. A continent is usually known as a large continuous landmass that is usually bordered by oceans. A country, on the other hand, is boarded by different geo-political borders, which people have come up with during the ages. A continent is always larger than a country, may be except for Australia where the country and the continent are one and the same. There are some other interesting differences between these two terms country and continent too. We are going to discover them through this article.
What is a Continent?
A continent is a large continuous landmass that is usually bordered by the oceans. A continent is a home to several countries. Australia and Antarctica are two exceptions. With regard to land, the continent is independent in nature as it is not divided.
In the past, it is believed that all the continent were one large landmass. Due to the passing of time and different geographical incidents, this huge landmass broke up into the seven continents that we now know. The seven continents are Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, North America, South America, and Europe. Australia is the smallest continent. Asia is the largest continent. The most populated continent is Asia. The least populated continent is Antarctica. More than two thirds of the continental regions are in the Northern Hemisphere.
What is a Country?
A country is a region of land that is boarded by different geo-political borders that people have come up with during the ages. It is a region that governs itself. Its presence as a place inhabited by people is felt internationally. It is important to note that the citizens of a particular country are bound by the rules and laws of the country and they are ruled according to the nation’s laws.
A country can also be explained as a region that makes up a continent. This is certainly the reason why there are many countries and not many continents. A country again is divided into several cities and towns. This is for the ease of the government. It is a nation with its own government.
One of the main differences between a country and a continent is that a country is nothing but the continent being divided into unequal masses of land. Definitions do differ when it comes to explaining a country and a continent.
There are some interesting facts about countries. Singapore is the smallest country in Asia in terms of the landmass. France is the largest country in the whole of Europe. It occupies a total area of 675,000 square kilometers. The most powerful countries in the world today are United States, China, France, Britain, and Russia.
What is the difference between Country and Continent?
Definitions of Country and Continent:
Continent: A continent is typically a larger area of landmass on earth whose borders are characterized by oceans.
Country: A country, on the other hand, is defined mainly by geo-political borders.
Characteristics of Country and Continent:
Continent: A continent is home to several countries, except for Australia and Antarctica.
Country: A country, on the other hand, is a region that governs itself.
A continent is a large land mass such as Africa or South America whereas a country is a part of a continent.
Defining Factors:
Continent: A continent is typically a larger area of land and is very much defined by geology.
Country: A country is a geographical area that is defined by a single government or people.
Division of the Region:
Continent: A continent is further divided into smaller regions known as countries.
Country: A country is divided into smaller regions known as states, cities and towns for governing purposes.
These are the differences between a country and a continent. So, as you can see, a continent is a large land mass whose borders are characterized by the presence of oceans. A country, on the other hand, is defined mainly by geo-political borders. As a result, though they are from the same continent, if people are from different countries they may show vast differences in their features as well as in their manners.
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