Crew Cab vs Extended Cab
Before we look into different types of cabs, especially crew cab and extended cab, it is pertinent to know a bit about cabs and then about their nomenclature as given by auto manufacturers. This is because it is easy to be confused when you go to market to decide between different models of pickup trucks. Normally pickup trucks have ample space for load but limited space for passengers. There are many features that are different in a crew cab and an extended cab, and that will be talked about in this article to help people easily identify the type of cab as well as to match the features with their requirements.
Crew Cab
Crew cab is the name of the model of a pickup truck manufactured by Chevrolet. However, it has become a class of pickup trucks that is identified with its large size. Whether made by Ford, Chevrolet or any other company, Crew cab remains the largest cab in the name of a pickup truck. The design of the crew cab is such as to have 4 doors with benched seats that can seat up to 6 adults inside the truck. If you always have 4 or more people in the cab, better go for a Crew cab. Traction of a crew cab is less, but it has a long wheel base. It is not necessary to open the front doors to allow travelers to sit inside this cab, and this ability becomes a feature to identify Crew cabs.
Extended Cab
Extended cab is an altogether different class of pickup trucks today being produced by all major auto manufacturers. If you have a small team of passengers, this cab is better for the travel. It has only 2 doors, and the cab is not very comfortable if the number of travelers is higher than 4. However, the traction is high, and the wheel base of this cab is small. Children in the family may be thrilled with the seats of this cab, but adults are not happy with the comfort level of the seats of the extended cab. To seat more passengers inside, front doors need to be opened first before the passengers can get inside an extended cab.
What is the difference between Crew Cab and Extended Cab? • Amount of leg space for passengers sitting in the rear is higher in Crew cab than the Extended cab. • Crew cab is larger in size than extended cab • Crew cab has a longer wheel base than extended cab • Crew cab has a lower traction than extended cab • In general, Crew cab is more expensive than extended cab
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