Key Difference – Delusion vs Illusion
Illusion and delusion are two words between which some difference can be viewed although there is a similarity in meaning that leads to confusion in the minds of the people. Many use them interchangeably which is incorrect. Hence first let us make an attempt to define the two words. An illusion is a false image in the mind or misinterpretation of things that exist in reality. On the contrary, a delusion is a false belief. This is the main difference between the two words. This article purports to highlight the differences between illusion and delusion to enable readers to use these terms correctly.
What is Illusion?
An illusion is a false image in the mind or misinterpretation of things that exist in reality. Mirage is a perfect example of an illusion. Illusion can be a misconception caused by deception of sight and sound. Some examples are optical illusions and magic shown by a magician. You know that what the magician is doing is not possible but he creates an illusion that looks real. It is a conscious deception like movies where animated tricks and computer graphics create illusions that appear real on screen.
However, when the source of the misconception comes from outside, it is referred to as illusion. In the case of illusion, it is the mind of a person that is tricked into believing something that is far from reality.
What is Delusion?
A delusion is a false belief. It is classified as a psychological ailment where people develop false beliefs about themselves as well as others. Some people believe they have magical powers such as the power to cure others or that they have divine vision. This is a delusion that exists in their minds. It is easy to prove an illusion wrong, but it is next to impossible to tell a person that he is suffering from delusion. The person continues to maintain the delusion even when he is proved wrong.
Unlike in the case if illusion where the mind is tricked, delusion is a false belief that has roots in the mind of the person and has nothing to do with the outside world. When you are fooled by your vision or sense of hearing, you feel an illusion but you have a delusion when you have false beliefs that you think are right.
This highlights although the words illusion and delusion appear to be similar in meaning there is a clear difference between the two. The difference between the two can be summarized as follows.
What is the Difference Between Illusion and Delusion?
Definitions of Illusion and Delusion:
Illusion: An illusion is a false image in the mind or misinterpretation of things that exist in reality.
Delusion: A delusion is a false belief.
Characteristics of Illusion and Delusion:
False belief:
Illusion: Illusion is a false belief.
Delusion: Delusion is also a false belief.
Illusion: Source of illusion is outside of the individual such as magic or mirage.
Delusion: Source of delusion is inside a person’s mind.
Illusion: When the illusion is removed, the person comes back to reality.
Delusion: A person suffering from delusion continues to believe in it despite being contradicted.
Image Courtesy:
1. Desert mirage 62907 By I, Brocken Inaglory [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons
2. Noahs-Ark-delusion By George Grie [Public domain, GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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