Democracy vs Dictatorship
Democracy and dictatorship show difference between them in terms of their methodology and concept. First of all, what is democracy and what is dictatorship? Democracy and dictatorship are two types of rule over a country. The person, who has complete power over a country, is called a dictator. A dictator enjoys an absolute rule over a country or a state. On the other hand, in a democracy, the choice to create laws is with the people. In other words, we can say a democracy is taking decisions by discussing it with all. That means people have the say in deciding what to do.
What is Dictatorship?
In a dictatorship, one person that is one political figure has the absolute power to control everything in the country without anyone’s interference. As a result, a dictatorship consists of someone else choosing what is good for the people. Dictatorship frames the laws that govern the rights of the people and the economy as well. It also outlines the laws that govern the private property as well. Personal freedom and liberties have to be completely sacrificed in dictatorship. So, if you are unhappy over something, then you should continue to be unhappy over it all your life. It is because usually telling you opinion is not tolerated in a dictatorship.
It is often felt that dictatorship is efficient in framing new laws to dominate certain sections. You should remember that this framing new law to dominate certain sections is not done with best intentions all the time. For example, think about all the Jews that lost their lives during Hitler’s rule. There is always the probability of innocent people getting convicted often due to lack of proper cross examination in the case of dictatorship. The accused cannot confront the witness in the case of dictatorship. However, the time taken to implement a decision is fairly fast in the case of dictatorship.
What is Democracy?
Unlike a dictatorship, self indulgence is the keyword in democracy. People would choose what is best for them. Democracy does not consist of someone else choosing what is good for the people. That means the power to create laws lies with the people in democracy. As a result, if you are unhappy over something in a democracy there is always a chance to change it and set it right so that it can make you happy, finally.
In democracy, there is no place for creating new laws to dominate certain sections or people or to oppress certain groups of people. Moreover, there is always respect for personal freedom and personal liberties in democracy. In fact, it can be said that democracy encourages and safeguards freedom of expression and freedom of speech and extends them to every single person of the nation. Then, justice is done to perfection in a democracy. The accused is provided with an opportunity to confront the witness in the case of democracy. Nevertheless, the process of implementing a decision is slow in the case of democracy.
What is the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship?
• In a dictatorship, one ruler has an absolute power to rule over a country or a state. But, in democracy, it is the rule of the people.
• In dictatorship, framing new laws is in the hands of the dictators. On the other hand, in a democracy, the choice to create laws is with the people.
• Rules are not created over sections of the society in a democracy. It is a possibility in a dictatorship.
• The time taken to implement a decision is fairly fast in the case of dictatorship whereas the process of implementing a decision is slow in the case of democracy.
• Personal freedom and personal liabilities are sacrificed in a dictatorship. That is not the case in a democracy. People have freedom to say what they want. This is another important difference between democracy and dictatorship.
• Justice is protected in a democracy as the accused gets an equal chance to present his or her case. Such opportunity is not given in a dictatorship.
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Lora M. says
So, when it’s my own government that has violated ALL my rights and freedoms, then what? Who advocates for Justice then? Who helps those that our government has denied a Canadian of ALL her rights and freedoms? Basic “Bill of rights”, “fostered by tradition, that honour and respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and the dignity and worth of the human person.” Canadian bill of rights??? and my government can disallow me my rights…my safety….my health???? Dictatorship….and I though we had a diplomatic society???? WTF? Who defends those of us stripped of ALL our rights…Who?
Jayloozee says
De answers are superb