Discussion vs Conclusion
Discussion and conclusion are two important parts of any essay. These are usually kept reserved for the last section of the dissertation. In addition, there is also recommendation or implication for further research in the subject. Many treat the sections, discussion and conclusion, in a dissertation as same or interchangeable. However, discussion is not the same as conclusion and this article attempts to highlight their differences.
Discussion is like a review of a subject or a hypothesis. The main points of an essay are taken up in discussion, and their analysis is done to explain them in detail. Discussion is, talking about the results obtained in an experiment, and comparing it with other researches done and results obtained. Discussion is like reflecting upon the results and methodology employed in a manner that suggests errors that you might have made during the course of the experiment. Point of view of others on the same subject is often taken into account in a discussion.
It is the final part of a dissertation that summarizes the main points once again before ending the essay. Summing up all the main points in such a manner that it creates a dramatic effect on the reader is the main purpose of a conclusion. Conclusion is like the climax of a performance or a movie that requires a force to create a big impression on the minds of the audience. Often it is the conclusion that remains in memory of the reader and hence a writer needs to keep his best for the conclusion to summarize the main points of the essay in an effective manner.
What is the difference between Discussion and Conclusion?
• Discussion can be judgmental while the conclusion is just a final summary of a dissertation
• Conclusion is the final word by a writer while discussion comes just before conclusion and analyzes the position taken by the writer
• Discussion takes into account other points of view while the conclusion is all about presenting the main points in a concise manner
Ahmad says
thank you !