DVD-R and DVD+R are two different standards for recording DVDs. DVD-R is the older version and DVD+R is the later version. You can choose either format depending on the compatibility of your DVD Player. Most of the new DVD Players support both formats.
DVD stands for Digital Versatile/Video Disc, which we use to store audio, video and other data. Initially CD was the storage device, but now we have DVD with more storage capacity. There are many DVD recording standards, like DVD-R, DVD+R and DVD-RAM. Here we are talking about DVD-R and DVD+R. A common person cannot differentiate between DVD-R and DVD+R, as they look exactly same and their features are very similar.
DVD-R, called as minus R or dash R, was the first ever DVD, which has the format, compatible with detached DVD players, developed by pioneer in 1997. Its non-rewriteable format is compatible with almost 93 % of DVD players and DVD-ROMs. Its storage capacity is 4.71 GB but now 8.5 GB, Dual layer version, is also available in the market. DVD-R has a large storage capacity, if we compare it with CD-R, because it has smaller pit size and smaller track pitch, which makes writing of more pits in the disc possible. For writing purpose, a red laser beam having 640nm Wavelength is used along with numerical aperture lens. DVD forum has approved this format, in the beginning.
DVD+R is optical data storage device, which is commonly used for video applications. In 2002, an Alliance released this DVD format, called DVD plus R. This format was not initially approved by DVD forum, as it seems that it does not fulfill DVD technical specifications. However, later on in 2008, forum official approved the DVD+R format. This DVD has accurate error handling system when we compare it with the other DVD formats. Moreover, speed of writing the data on DVD+R is much faster.
Differences and similarities
Development of DVD+R was a big achievement in terms of technical specifications, although users were unable to differentiate between DVD-R and DVD+R. Both formats are not compatible with each other, i.e. if a recordable drive accepts DVD-R it will not support DVD+R and vice Versa. Being older, DVD-R is still most widely used, in comparison with DVD+R as DVD players was only compatible with DVD-R until 2004. On the other hand, DVD+R is the latest one, have the advantage of superior format, which helps in better writing, and accurate data handling. Now, DVD+R is compatible with 93 % of DVD players. Although both DVD formats can be used just once, we cannot rewrite data on them but DVD-R is economical in financial terms. Both DVD+R and DVD-R have the similar storage capacity i.e. 4.7 GB and in double layer 8.5 GB. DVD-R is supported by Pioneer and Apple, where as DVD+R is supported by Philips, Dell, HP and Microsoft.
Although both DVD formats are similar in many ways, but yet they are different, DVD+R has slightly better qualities and is preferred. On the other hand, DVD-R is the older version, and compatible with large number of DVD players. Users can choose any of these DVD formats, as nowadays many drivers are available in the market, which supports both DVD formats, making choice easy for us.
On my DVD player some movies play only half of the movie. Why is that? Is it due to the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R configurations and if so, how can I address the problem?