Eternity vs Infinity
Eternity and infinity are concepts that are taught to us in schools, but we rarely pay attention to them to understand their differences. While infinity is something that cannot be expressed or measured in units or measurement, eternity is something that is present at all times, something that has no end or beginning. However, despite there being many similarities in the two concepts, there are still differences that need to be highlighted to enable readers to differentiate between these concepts and to use them correctly.
Something that is forever is said to be for an eternity. The concept is temporal in nature and applies to morals or right concepts that are believed to be timeless such as honesty and integrity. The concept of soul exemplifies an eternity where death signifies an end of the journey for the physical body of a man. Religion tries to emphasize upon good deeds of a man saying they ensure his name lives for an eternity. Thus, it becomes clear that eternity refers to timelessness or forever, depending upon what angle one chooses to look at the concept. The concept of God as the creator of the universes is for an eternity. This means that this is a timeless concept. The universal symbol of eternity is a snake trying to swallow its own tail (Ouroboros). Circle is also sometimes used as a symbol of eternity.
When something is in a quantity that cannot be counted or measured, it is believed to be infinity. Anything that has no limits is obviously infinite in nature. Infinity is a concept that is used frequently in the subjects of math and physics to refer to a number that is not real. If one tries to create a set of real numbers, he fails miserably as real numbers go on and on for an infinity making such a set too large and not possible at all. Ancient Indian math called Vedic math says that taking something off infinity or adding something to infinity does not change infinity at all and it remains infinity in both situations. Though the concept of infinity has been there since ancient times, its symbol was introduced to the world by John Wallis in the year 1655.
What is the difference between Eternity and Infinity?
• Eternity is a concept that is temporal in nature and applies to things that are timeless.
• Infinity is a concept that applies to things that cannot be counted or measured.
• Religion and philosophy make heavy use of the concept of eternity whereas infinity is used more often in math and physics.
• The concept of God and virtues of honesty and integrity reflect eternity whereas stars and flowers reflect the concept of infinity.
• There is neither a beginning nor an end to eternity.
• Eternity relates with time whereas infinity relates with many dimensions.
Simon Stewart says
Eternal erases the concept of time. Infinite erases the concept of boundaries. Whatever is eternal cannot be measured by time, but it can be measured by distance and space. Whatever is infinite is also eternal and also has no limits in space or distance.
Stephen says
Eternity is without Time and Space. It is infinity that is limited, because it requires a parameter such as time to define its’elf. Eternity is independent of temporal things, not temporal. How ‘temporal got into the definition here makes no sense. Infinity depends on that there is an Eternity, otherwise, the concept vanishes.
Carmela says
I’m Carmela Nino Thomas from Lake Wales FL. I’m both infinite and eternal minded
If that makes sense to u .. I’m in Heaven and Hell. My thought is that “God” n Devil are one. For some reason God needs the world to know he is the one to fear yet he wants us to believe that the Devil is strong .. I’m only saying this to remind u of your mind and to understand what it means to rule your mind. Only u can convince you on what is. I could easily tell you to check your spelling and check your reason as to why you think how you do about what you’ve been taught or ask you to consider my reason for having given you strength camouflaged by weakness. In hopes of making my name be remembered or followed in ways . Independence is “( “A” … “Mind”… “Set”…. “Free”. )”
Valarie Sadusky says
Eternity has nothing to do with time. Infinity has everything to do with time. Infinity is man-made. Nature created eternity.