Evidence vs Proof
Proof and evidence are two words that have very similar meanings and are used almost interchangeably as such by common people. In fact, if one tries to look up in a dictionary, he finds that the two words are seen being used to explain the meaning of the other. Evidence is a word that is used more in legal connections as well as in science. On the other hand, proof is a word used more commonly in math and in daily lives. Any fact that helps in corroborating a statement or justifying it is called a proof. An available fact to help a jury to reach a consensus is referred to as evidence. If these definitions do nothing to clear your doubts, read on as this article takes a closer look at the two concepts of proof and evidence.
The police is always looking for evidence when trying to solve a case of murder or theft to be able to present the facts before the jury. Evidence or the facts collected by the police and prosecutor and presented in a watertight manner by the attorney in a law court become the basis for a verdict pronounced by the jury. Fingerprints, videos, voice samples, clothes and other articles and objects used by the accused are often used as evidences by prosecutors to justify their claims and assertions. However, evidence is not considered as a concrete proof. Evidences, however, lead and guide the jury to reach a conclusion. In most of the crimes, a jury has to make do with whatever evidence and facts are presented before it. It is very rarely that the jury gets conclusive proof of the crime. Evidence points to a crime and the accused suggesting a strong link between the two.
There can be many different types of evidences such as digital, physical, scientific, circumstantial, and so on. These evidences are used by prosecutors, to prove the guilt or innocence of their clients in a court of law. Defense attorney has to create or sow doubts in the minds of the jury against the evidences presented by the prosecuting attorney, to save their clients.
If you claim a new invention, people ask for proof. What is the proof, atheist says, to believe in the existence of God? We believe in things and concepts that we can feel by our senses or substantiate through the body of knowledge that has been built over thousands of years of experience and studies. The evidence needed to establish a fact or statement as true is called its proof. Proof is a final statement about a truth or a fact. To show in front of a jury that an accused has indeed committed a crime, prosecution attorney has to prove the guilt with the help of evidences. Some evidences are proof in themselves as my fingerprints on a glass confirm that I had held the glass or touched it. Similarly, I cannot deny the fact that I was in a party if there is a videotape showing me dancing in the party.
What is the difference between Evidence and Proof?
• Proof is the final verdict that removes all doubts whereas evidence only leads one in the direction of a fact or statement.
• To prove the guilt of an accused, police officers present evidences that are scientific (such as DNA), physical (such as clothing or sperm) or circumstantial.
• Any inventor has to prove his invention before making a claim.
• You can make use of many objects to prove your identity such as driver’s license, voters’ card, and bills from electricity department etc.
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