Facts vs Evidence
Facts and Evidence are two legal terms that are used with difference. They are generally understood as one and the same thing to an untrained litigant, but strictly speaking they are different.
Fact is a truth that can be proven. On the other hand evidence is something that is told by someone. It has to be accepted only on belief. There cannot be truth in all evidences. This is the main difference between facts and evidence.
Evidence is generally of two types, namely, documental evidence and factual evidence. The decision of the court is always based on documental evidence. You need to have factual evidence to disprove it.
On the main difference between facts and evidence is that evidence can be easily destroyed. This is because of the fact that evidence lacks strength and cannot be proved authentically. On the other hand a fact can be proved by all means. In fact the proven status has made the fact different from evidence.
On the other hand a fact cannot be destroyed at all for that matter. Scientific facts are all proved and hence can never be destroyed by any means. This is mainly due to the fact that fact is characterized by truth whereas evidence is characterized by falsehood.
Evidence is information helpful in forming judgment or a conclusion. Remember it is only information that can be either true or false. On the other hand a fact is a fundamental reality that has been agreed upon by a substantial strength of people.
Another important difference between facts and evidence is that facts cannot be disputed. On the other hand evidence can be disputed in the court. It all depends on the skill of the lawyer to dispute the evidence produced in the court. Fact is arrived at after investigation or experiment. Evidence begins an investigation.
Good article Aron! Straight to the point! This opens up a whole can of worms for science and evidenced-based practices, such as psychology.
Science provides continent truths, based on theory and experimental evidence. All scientific facts are open to disproof. Since scientific facts are the strongest facts about nature, all facts about nature are contingent truths. Analytic truths are based on rules plus primitive truths, the latter accepted as given or hypotheticals or assumptions or postulates or axioms: mathematical truths and logical truths. Analytic truths are not contingent but are true in themselves.
The notion that facts are superior to evidence is a legal fiction since evidence is required to give credence to a fact and the more evidence that can be given the more credence is given to a fact as true, even though that truth is contingent on the reliability of the evidence, the methods used to provide that evidence, and the theories that relate one kind of evidence to others.