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Difference Between Faith and Hope

Faith vs Hope

Difference between faith and hope exists even when we hear people often used these two words synonymously. Therefore, it is understood that hope and faith are two words that are often confused when it comes to their meanings. The word faith is used in the sense of ‘trust’, whereas the word hope is used in the sense of ‘anticipation’. This is the basic difference between the two words. It is important to know that both the words are used as nouns. The word hope is used as a verb too. On the other hand, the word faith is used as an exclamation to express surprise or emphasis.

What does Faith mean?

The word faith is used in the sense of trust. Observe the two sentences given below:

The teacher reposed a lot of faith in the student.

You should have faith in God.

In both the sentences, you can find that the word faith is used in the sense of ‘trust’ and hence, the meaning of the first sentence would be ‘the teacher reposed a lot of trust in the student’, and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘you should have trust in God’. It is interesting to note that the word faith is sometimes used in the sense of ‘loyalty’ as in the sentence ‘the loan was given in faith’.

More interestingly, the word faith is often used with connection to religion. Before going to an example, look at this definition given of faith by the Oxford English dictionary. Faith also means ‘strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.’ Now, have a look at the example.

His faith in God made him stay in his house even when the whole village was running away to save themselves from the flood.

What does Hope mean?

The word hope is used in the sense of anticipation. Observe the two sentences given below:

He had a lot of hope on him.

There was a hope of survival.

In both the sentences, the word hope is used in the sense of ‘anticipation’ and hence, the meaning of the first sentence would be ‘he had a lot of anticipation on him’, and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘there was an anticipation of survival’. The word hope is sometimes used in the sense of ‘optimism’ as in the sentence ‘he is a man with hope’. In this sentence, the word ‘hope’ is used in the sense of ‘optimism’ and hence, it would mean ‘he is a man with optimism’.

What is the difference between Faith and Hope?

• The word faith is used in the sense of ‘trust’, whereas the word hope is used in the sense of ‘anticipation’. This is the basic difference between the two words.

• The word faith is sometimes used in the sense of ‘loyalty.’

• Hope is sometimes used in the sense of ‘optimism.’

• The word faith is often used with connection to religion.

These are the important differences between the two words, namely, faith and hope.