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Difference Between Features and Characteristics

Key Difference – Features vs Characteristics

Features and characteristics are two words that can be rather overlapping although there is a distinct difference between these two words. When speaking of an individual, the key difference between a feature and a characteristic is that a feature is used to describe a distinctive part of the face, while a characteristic refers to a quality that is typical of an individual. This suggests that the basic difference between the two words is that while a feature tends to be exterior, a characteristic is not.

What are Features?

Features refer to the distinctive parts of the face. This includes the eyes, nose, and mouth. When we say that a particular person has beautiful features, this refers to the distinctive parts that make the person attractive.

Her eyes are her strongest feature.

She has beautiful features.

Other than this the word feature can be used to denote a myriad of meanings.

A distinctive quality or part

The ruins of the castle are still the main feature of the area.

What are the different features of this model?

Part of a building or area

The tourists were fascinated by the natural features of the mangroves.

The indoor sports complex is the most striking feature.

A special attraction at an entertainment

Yesterday’s feature was a new science fiction movie.

The movie featured the new actress as a world famous model.

What are Characteristics?

A characteristic refers to a quality that is typical of an individual. For instance, bring to mind your best friend or a family member, and think about the qualities that they have. You will be able to come up with different qualities such as kind, generous, funny, pensive, serious, hot-tempered, etc. These can be considered as characteristics.

Patience is her best characteristic.

Jealousy is an abhorrent characteristic.

Also, characteristic can be used to refer to a noticeable quality of an individual or group.

Being jovial all the time is one of the typical characteristics of the Bennets.

Characteristic can be used to bring out the idea of something being typical.

The savory flavor is characteristic of most South Asian dishes.

What is the difference between Features and Characteristics?

Definitions of Features and Characteristics:

Features: A feature is used to describe a distinctive part of the face.

Characteristics: A characteristic refers to a quality that is typical of an individual.

Characteristics of Features and Characteristics:


Features: In terms of individuals, features are exterior, such as eyes, nose, mouth, etc.

Characteristics: Characteristics are interior.

Other Meanings:

Features: The word can be used to refer to a distinctive quality or part, part of a building or area or a special attraction at an entertainment.

Characteristics: The word can be used to refer to a noticeable quality of an individual or group or to bring out the idea of something being typical.


Image Courtesy:

1. A beautiful girl in her black dress By Tibchris [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

2. Thai Market Food 01 By Takeaway – Own work, [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons