Flat vs Round Character
Writers make use of characterization to develop their characters along certain lines. They can have a protagonist, antagonist, round character, flat character, a static character, a dynamic character, and so on. This is done mostly to fulfill different requirements of a narrative or fiction and also to keep the readers or audiences guessing and interested at the same time. Readers are mostly confused between flat and round characters because of their similarities. This article takes a close look at these two types of characters to come up with their differences.
What is a Flat Character?
This is a character inside a story or play that displays only one or two traits and these traits do not change over the course of the play or the story. Flat characters are uncomplicated and mostly two-dimensional in nature. This means that readers know what these characters will do inside the story or the play as they do not change their traits. There is no growth or change in the nature of the character during the story or the play. These characters are kept in a supporting role in the story around the central character that is by rule or requirement a round character.
What is a Round Character?
A round character is often a major character of a play or story. He or she is portrayed as a character with varied traits that can often be contradictory in nature. Round character is dynamic in the sense that he/she exhibits changes within the duration of the play or the course of the story. These characters are described more and developed fully by the writer. These characters are like real life people that you find yourself surrounded with. The manner in which a character talks to himself and responds in a situation of conflict gives a clue to whether he is round or not.
What is the difference between a Round Character and a Flat Character?
• A round character is more complex than a flat character.
• A flat character is two dimensional and does not change during the course of a play or story.
• A round character is more described an developed than a flat character.
• A flat character is given a supporting role revolving around the central character that is usually a round character.
• A round character can surprise the reader or the audience while a flat character does not change its traits
• A round character is dynamic while a flat character is static.
• A flat character is simple while a round character is complex.
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