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Difference Between Forum and Blog

Forum vs Blog

Internet today has provided a great platform to everyone to have a voice that he can use to communicate with others. There are many way in which a person can share his views and opinions with others. Two such powerful tools are forums and blogs. There are differences in these tools that need to be appreciated. This article intends to highlight the features of both a forum and blog to let readers choose a platform that is better suited for their requirements.

what is Blog?

Blog is the most common medium of expression today. It is akin to a separate website where you get readymade templates to set up your own webpage. You can treat it as a diary where you can write your thoughts on any subject you like and leave space for others to comment and share their opinions. Blogs can be personalized to suit your personality. Most people who write on blogs are vociferous in their opinions on social issues. Many celebrities take help of a blog to voice their opinions on a number of issues and also to clarify their position on certain issues. Some of these blogs become so popular that people wait anxiously as to what the person would say next. If you are a loner and do not wish to interact with others, a blog is the best possible way for you to do so. There are blogs that follow a particular subject but there are also blogs that are can carry thoughts and opinions on just about any subject.


A forum is a platform that does not belong to you and you become a member of a community which has been created for the purpose of sharing of views and opinions on a particular subject. It belongs to a company, a website or any non profit organization. People post their comments or react to comments made by other community members. There are forums that require a person to register to become a member to be able to comment. Whenever replies to member’s comments appear, members are notified through email. There are forums of automobile lovers, parents, movie buffs, fiction lovers and so on.