Fraction vs Decimal
“Decimal” and “Fraction” are two different representations for rational numbers. Fractions are expressed as a division of two numbers or in a simple, one number over another. The number in the top is called the numerator, and the number in the bottom is called the denominator. The denominator should be a non-zero integer, while the numerator can be any integer. Therefore, denominator represents how many parts make up the whole and numerator represent the number of parts we consider. For an example, think about a pizza cut evenly into eight pieces. If you ate three pieces, then you have eaten 3/8 of the pizza.
A fraction in which the absolute value of the numerator is less than the absolute value of the denominator is called a “proper fraction”. Otherwise, it is called an “improper fraction.” An Improper fraction can be re-written as a mixed fraction, in which a whole number and a proper fraction combined.
In the process of adding and subtracting fractions, first we should find out a common denominator. We can calculate the common denominator by either taking the least common multiplier of two denominators or by simply multiplying two denominators. Then we have to convert the two fractions into an equivalent fraction with the chosen common denominator. The resulting denominator will have the same denominator and the numerators will be the addition or difference of the two numerators of the original fractions.
By multiplying numerators and denominators of the original separately, we can find the multiplication of two fractions. When we divide a fraction by another, we find the answer by applying multiplying the dividend and the reciprocal of the divider.
By multiplying or dividing both, the numerator and denominator, by the same non-zero integer we can find the equivalent fraction for a given fraction. If the denominator and the numerator do not have common factors, then we say the fraction is in its “simplest form.”
A decimal number has two parts separated by a decimal point, or in simple word a “dot”. For an example, in the decimal number 123.456, the part of the digits to the left of the decimal point, (i.e.“123”) is called the whole number part and the part of the digits to the right of the decimal point (I.e. “456”) is called the fractional part.
Any real number has its own fractional and decimal representation, even whole numbers. We can convert fractions into decimals and vice versa.
Some fractions have finite decimal number representation while some have not. For example, when we consider the decimal representation of 1/3, it is an infinite decimal, i.e. 0.3333… Number 3 is repeats forever. These kinds of decimals are called recurring decimals. However, fractions like 1/5 have a finite number representation, which is 0.2.
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