Generation X vs Generation Y vs Generation Z
Different generations have different values, interests, and activities that are distinct and depend upon peculiar set of circumstances that prevailed during its time. Family, work, sex, gender roles, leaders, social environment etc are all different in different times leading to westerners labeling earlier generations as Generations X, Y and Z. Even before these generations, demographers talk about Veterans and Baby Boomers as separate generations. Let us find out the differences in these generation based upon their features.
Generation X
Those born between 1966 and 1976 are referred to as Generation X. They came into their own during 1988-1994. The kids born in this period were labeled as latch-key kids as they were exposed to lots of divorces and day care centers. This is the generation that had the lowest voting participation. Newsweek commented on this generation as one that was least concerned with social issues surrounding it and it also did not listen to news and other programs on TV. The current population of Generation X stands at 41 million.
This is the generation characterized with a skeptic attitude. They always were concerned with what was there in it for them. They were however the best generation in terms of education and started to form families with care avoiding the mistakes committed by their parents.
Generation Y
Those born between 1977 and 1994 are referred to as Generation Y. This generation is characterized as the most polished and sophisticated with respect to technology. However, it is immune to traditional marketing and sales methods. This generation is racially and ethnically much more diverse than Generation X and is also much more segmented watching own TV programs. This is the generation that has been exposed to the internet, cable TV, satellite radio etc. Generation Y is less brand loyal and is much more flexible than Generation X. It is also very fashion and style conscious. As kids grew up on dual income, they are more involved with family purchases. The current population of Generation Y is 71 million.
Generation Z
Those born between 1995 and 2011 are referred to as Generation Z. Their current population is 23 million but is growing rapidly. This generation has been exposed to high advances in technology and has made use of most of the modern gadgets. The kids of this generation have grown in sophisticated media and computer world and are more net savvy than kids of earlier generation. These are the kids born after the demise of Soviet Union and the Gulf War and so have nothing to do with the Cold War.
Generation Z is also referred to as Generation I (Internet) or as generation @ as it remains connected and has got the nickname of digital natives.
You give 10 years for a generation….LOL. Generation X consists of more years than that, and goes into the early 1980’s. They are the offspring of the baby boomers which are between 1946 and 1964. You need to give at least 17 to 21 years for a generation…not a decade. You also said ” generation Y is more fashion and style conscious…LOL…I have never seen the rap style baggy pants falling off a person on a runway in a fashion show. I would rather conclude of generation Y as being in need of better fashion and style. Olivia, you must be young, as your essay is very flawed.
hi. i actually really liked your essay and think you should write more!