Hue vs Tint
Hue is a root color obtained from the color spectrum. Many colors can be developed by mixing these colors together. Many variations from root colors can be obtained by changing the whiteness of the root color. Tint accounts for this type of change.
Hue refers to a specific basic tone of color or the root color and, in a rough definition, can be considered as the main colors in the rainbow. It is not another name for color as colors are more explicitly defined adding with brightness and saturation. For example, blue can be considered as a hue, but with the addition of different levels of hue and saturation many colors can be created. Prussian blue, navy blue, and royal blue are some commonly known colors of blue.
Hue spectrum has three primary colors, three secondary colors and six tertiary colors.
Tint is color resulting from adding white to the hue. For example, pink is a tint of the red color. Sometimes a tint is also called as a pastel.
Soft, youthful, and soothing nature is brought in a color scheme using Tints, especially the lighter versions. Tint colors are attractive to feminine nature and, in marketing, these colors are always used for this effect.
What is the difference between Hue and Tint?
• Hue is a root color identified, and a tint is a color obtained by adding white to the root color/hue.
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