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Difference Between Hypothesis and Prediction

Hypothesis vs Prediction

The terms Hypothesis and Prediction sound alike but there are many differences between the two when some common and scientific senses are considered. A common tongue would initially use both terms to mean only one thing, but a little deep thought would easily understands hypothesis and prediction as two different terms. Hypothesis has a more scientific sense compared to prediction, but someone could predict about something in terms of a hypothesis without a problem.

What is Hypothesis?

According to the definitions by various dictionaries, hypothesis could be described as a scientific explanation that has been suggested to explain a certain phenomenon. Hypothesis gives the explanation as a proposal, and the scientific method tests its validity using a procedure. According to the scientific method, hypothesis could be repeatedly tested for its validity. The solution of the identified problem is described using the hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess, as it explains the phenomenon based on evidence. The evidence of a phenomenon or the results of an experiment are used for the explanation, but those were conjectured already through the hypothesis. Interestingly, the hypothesis should be able to be accepted or rejected recurrently, if the procedure followed in the test is the same. The formulation of a hypothesis takes some time based on evidence and results of previous studies, because the relationships should be sensibly studied before putting forward the educated guess. In addition, a hypothesis is usually a long statement used in the scientific method.

What is Prediction?

The term prediction does not have a hard-ruled definition, and that lacks any scientific sense, as it does not necessarily have to be based on experience or knowledge. Through a prediction, something is expected to happen. Prediction is synonymous with forecast, but prediction has a higher chance for an event to take place than forecast. Formulating a prediction does not demand hard evidence, but what it does demand is the experience. A statement is not respected as a good prediction only because that someone has predicted something to happen in the future without a fair explanation. However, if the statement about the future has come out of a person who is knowledgeable or has a good track of accurate guesses, it is treated as a good prediction. The prediction will be treated with a higher respect if the expected happening takes place, and the respect would go down if the event does not take place as expected. However, since a prediction is not based on evidence, the guess is not an educated one. Albert Einstein has once stated that he cannot tell how the World War III will happen, but people will use bow & arrow and other primitive weapons in the World War IV. Therefore, despite the lack of scientific sense in the term, one of the greatest scientists of the world has put forward some uneducated but interesting and possible predictions.


What is the difference between Hypothesis and Prediction?

• Hypothesis could be used to describe a phenomenon that may be either a future, or past happening whereas a prediction is always used to describe future happenings.

• Hypothesis is based on evidence while prediction is based on experience and knowledge.

• Hypothesis has more scientific sense than prediction.

• A prediction could be respected or disrespected based on the occurrence of the event, whereas a hypothesis is always respected.

• Hypothesis has an explanation but prediction does not.

• Formulation of a hypothesis takes a longer time compared to that for a prediction.

• Hypotheses are usually longer statements than predictions are.