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Difference Between ICT and Computer

ICT vs Computer

When computers first arrived on the scene, they were bulky, and did not have as much power and efficiency as they do today. There were far fewer applications and uses of computer, and being expensive, they were mostly used in big organizations or where there were specific and specialized uses of computers. In came internet, and the rules of the game changed. The prices of personal computer came crashing down and its applications zoomed up. So what was initially just computer engineering had to give way to a lot many specializations. One of these is today known as ICT or Information Communications Technology. These two branches of computers, namely computer engineering and ICT are as different as chalk is from cheese. For the benefit of the readers who wish to pursue one or the other, here is a differentiation between the two.

Computer engineering is a science that involves both the outside, as well as, inside of a computer, which implies that students not only get in depth knowledge about the designing and construction aspects of computers (that happen to be part of electrical engineering), but also study about application of computers and various techniques of information processing. It is because of computer engineers that we see vast improvement in thinking and performing abilities of computers. In fact, it is computer engineering that is responsible for increasing drastically the applicability of computers in every walk of life. Improvements in designing have meant that computers today are faster, smaller, and more capable than ever.

ICT is a relatively newer field in computers that has evolved from information technology, and tries to incorporate communications in it to emerge as a separate field of study. One small problem with ICT is the absence of a universally accepted definition because of continuous evolution and acceptance of methods and concepts from various other fields. If one looks closely at the acronym, it has been made up with information, communications, and technology that clearly tell us that it is an attempt to explain uses of digital technology to help people, businesses and organizations. All products that require storage and retrieval apart from manipulation and transmission of electronic information in digital form are covered under ICT. This implies that ICT concerns all modern gadgets that are coming to market every other day such as iPads, iPods, tablets, netbooks, mobiles, smartphones etc apart from television and computers. C in ICT is important and refers to communications of data over distance through electronic means.

What is the difference between ICT and Computer?

· Computer engineering involves mainly with theory, designing and application of computers, whereas ICT is mainly concerned with information processing and communication.

· Though basic understanding of computers is a must for ICT students, their scope is limited to understanding devices that store, retrieve, manipulate and transmit information electronically.

· Computer engineering has a fixed syllabus and curriculum, whereas ICT is an emerging field that is merging and incorporating concepts and methods from various fields.

· Computer engineering covers both theory and applications like IT, while ICT focuses mainly on application part of information technology and communications.