Irish Wolfhound vs Scottish Deerhound
With a similar appearance, Irish wolfhounds and Scottish deerhounds have a close resemblance. Additionally, they both are ancient dog breeds with a long history with the humans. However, there are some interesting differences between them in their standard sizes, origins, uses, and also some body features.
Irish Wolfhound
Irish wolfhound is a tall dog breed of the sighthounds; indeed they are the tallest among all the dog breeds. Irish wolfhounds are a very old dog breed that originated around 7000 BC in Ireland. The appearance of a standard Irish wolfhound poses a great personality with a strong musculature through a graceful built. Their minimum height at the withers should measure about 82 centimetres for a male, but the females are slightly shorter than males. The minimum weight should be 55 kilograms for a male, and that of females is 48 kilograms. However, the accepted heights and weights could be slightly different depending on the kennel club. One of the most noticeable features of the Irish wolfhounds is the high-held neck with the head that has small hanging ears. Tail is directed downwards at the base, but it curves upwards at the middle portion towards the tip. Their coat is wiry and rough, which is available in few colourations such as red, black brindle, white, grey, steel grey, and wheaten as per the American Kennel Club.
As their name depicts, the wolfhounds were bred to hunt wolves and the prehistoric paintings portray the fact, as well. The modern Irish wolfhounds are quiet animals and love playing with kids. They are trustworthy friends and make strong bonds with the family. In fact, the Irish wolfhounds could become aggressive and destructive if they start to feel left out for a long time. Despite their great size, these dogs are swift runners. However, these fascinating dogs do not live longer than seven years in average.
Scottish Deerhound
Scottish deerhound is a sighthound breed of dog, which is believed to be originated in Scotland. They are simply known as the deerhounds as they have been used for hunting of deer through coursing. It has been difficult to trace the origin of this dog breed as their precursors may have lived before the period of the recorded history. They are tall and large with the purebred males measuring between 76 and 82 centimetres at the withers while the females measuring only 28 centimetres. Accordingly, the accepted weight range of the males (40 – 50 kilograms) is greater than that of females (35 – 43 kilograms). They have a high-held neck with a small head. Their neck is covered with a wiry mane while the rest of the body is also covered with the rough and wiry coat that is about 7 – 10 centimetres long. Their long wiry coat is available in blue, grey, brindle, red, fawn, and yellow colours in the purebreds. Pronounced chest and the long back legs give them the shape of a greyhound. Their soft and rosy ears directed slightly backwards. The tail is hanging, but it never curves upwards as in some hound breeds.
Deerhounds are highly popular for their friendliness and the desire to entertain their friends and owners. These extremely friendly dogs love to run long distances; otherwise, they would have to face some health problems. Despite the possible health issues, deerhounds could live about 8 – 10 years.
Irish Wolfhound vs Scottish Deerhound
• As their names indicate, the countries of origin are Ireland and Scotland.
• Despite the difficulty of tracking the ancestors of deerhounds, Irish wolfhound’s origin is older than the deerhounds.
• Irish wolfhound was bred for wolf hunting while the deerhounds were used for the hunting of deer.
• Wolfhound is taller and heavier than deerhounds.
• Deerhounds exhibit more hound features than wolfhounds do.
• The ears are rosy and soft with their orientation is slightly towards the back in deerhounds, whereas wolfhounds have small black colour ears that are hanging.
• The tail is completely hanging in deerhounds, whereas wolfhounds have tails with a slight upwards curvature.
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