Kinematics vs Dynamics
Physics is the study of matter, their energy and their interaction. Physics is also the study of motion of objects. This study is also known as dynamics, a word that is derived from a Greek word dunamis that means power. Now study of motion is not possible without knowing the causes of motion which are various forces operating on bodies. It is these forces and their knowledge that helps us to know all about motion and also be able to predict motions. However, if some one is interested purely in motion without getting into forces that cause motion, it is possible through kinematics which is a branch of physics that deals solely in terms of different kinds of motions. There are obvious differences between dynamics and kinematics hence that will be discussed in this article.
If we talk about the theory of gravitation, it involves earth’s gravity and its effect on the motion of all bodies. Hence it is a theory in the realms of dynamics and not kinematics. But when one is concerned with properties of motion only, such as velocity, displacement, and acceleration, without regards to forces operating upon any moving body, the analysis is referred to as kinematics. But kinematics is not natural and it is man made only. It is a classification made by us with disregard to laws of motion that have stood the test of time. However, kinematics is a useful study that has helped in many applications such as robotics, space science etc.
In brief: Kinematics vs Dynamics • Both dynamics and kinematics are study of motion but whereas causal forces are taken into account in dynamics there is no regard to such forces of interaction in kinematics.
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