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Difference Between Longitude and Latitude

Longitude vs Latitude

Are you having trouble remembering the difference between longitude and latitude? Then, remember that it is not as hard as it seems. Simply remember that the long lines on the globe between the North Pole and the South Pole are referred to by the term longitude whereas the lateral lines on the globe between east and west are referred to by the term latitude. Longitudes and latitudes are very important in navigation as they help to find a location on the Earth. Longitude and latitude present the geographical location on Earth. Latitude denotes the distance from the Equator while longitude denotes the distance from the Prime Meridian.

What is Longitude?

Longitudes are the long lines on the globe between east and west. The longitude lines are all parallel lines to the Prime Meridian. It is interesting to note that longitude is measured by degrees. It is 0 degrees longitude across the Prime Meridian that passes through the Greenwich. Maximum measurement of longitude would be 180 degrees towards both the east and the west. The longitude lines are denoted by ‘lambda’.

The distance of any place from any other place is determined by the longitude of a place. In short, it can be said that the longitude of a place is the distance from the Prime Meridian. The time difference can also be thus calculated. In fact, the time difference is calculated with the Greenwich Mean Time as the base.

What is Latitude?

Latitudes are the lateral lines on the globe between the North Pole and the South Pole. It is important to note that the latitude lines are all parallel lines to the equator. Latitude is measured by degrees. 90 degrees latitude towards north would signify the North Pole whereas 90 degrees latitude towards south implies the South Pole. The Equator is lying at 0 degrees latitude for that matter. The latitude lines are denoted by ‘phi.’

The climate and the weather of a particular region are determined by the latitude. Hence latitude is used in the determination of the distances from the equator and thereby the character of the region such as tropical or the Arctic for that matter. Latitude is also used to determine the effect of the various phenomena of weather.

Figure 01: Latitude and Longitude of the Earth

According to the Oxford English dictionary, latitude also means ‘scope for freedom of action or thought.’ For example,

She had considerable latitude reporting the murder.

This means she had considerable scope for freedom of action or thought to report the murder.

What is the difference between Longitude and Latitude?

• The long lines on the globe between the North Pole and the South Pole are referred to by the term longitude whereas the lateral lines on the globe between east and west are referred to by the term latitude.

• It is interesting to note that both longitude and latitude are measured by degrees.

• It is 0 degrees longitude across the Prime Meridian that passes through the Greenwich.

• The Equator is lying at 0 degrees latitude.

• 90 degrees latitude towards north would signify the North Pole whereas 90 degrees latitude towards south implies the South Pole.

• The longitude lines are all parallel lines to the Prime Meridian.

• All latitude lines are parallel to the Equator.

• The latitude lines are denoted by ‘phi’ whereas the longitude lines are denoted by ‘lambda’.

• The climate and the weather of a particular region are determined by the latitude.

• The distance to a place and the time difference is measured by longitude.

• Latitude also means ‘scope for freedom of action or thought.’

It is for sure that the geographers have made the best use of the longitude and the latitude of regions and countries to determine various characteristics of the regions such as climate, distance, weather, time and the like.

Images Courtesy: 

1. “Latitude and Longitude of the Earth” By Djexplo – Own work (CC0) via Commons Wikimedia