Key Difference – Love vs Respect
Although the words such as love, respect, affection, and admiration often go together, when paying attention to each word specifically, one can notice certain differences between them. In this article, attention would be paid to the two words love and respect. In many relationships, love and respect are considered as key elements. These qualities or else characteristics lay the foundation for a healthy relationship. However, at other times, one can feel love and respect for another even though they are not in a relationship. For an example, we could feel a sense of respect towards a complete stranger because of his qualities or achievements. First, let us define the two words, before analyzing the differences that can be identified between the two words. Love can be defined as a strong sense of affection and liking that an individual displays towards another. On the other hand, respect can be defined as admiration for someone because of their qualities or achievements. This highlights that the key difference between love and respect is that while love is an affection felt towards another, respect is an admiration. This article will allow the reader to comprehend the difference in depth.
What is Love?
Love can be defined as a strong sense of affection and liking that an individual displays towards another. As human beings, we first get exposed to this emotion as children. The bond between a mother and a child is the first exposure that the child gets to be loved. Psychologists believe that the love that the child receives from the mother and father shapes the nature of future relationships that the individual has. The love that is being shared by a mother and a child or a father and a child is unique and cannot be compared to any other bond.
However, one should bear in mind that there are different variations of love. For instance, the love between a girl and a boy, or a husband and wife is different to the love between a parent and a child. It can include various dimensions that cannot be seen in the former. For instance, the sexual nature of love comes out only in the later.
When an individual loves another, it makes him commit towards the other and make sacrifices towards the happiness of the other. These acts are genuine efforts and can be explained by the emotion of love that the individual experiences. In literature and literary works, love is often one of the key themes, highlighting the uniqueness and the need that people have to love and be loved. Also, it is important to highlight that love can be felt not only for other human beings, but also towards animals, objects and even activities.
What is Respect?
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, respect can be defined as admiration for someone because of their qualities or achievements. When looking back at our lives, there are many people that we have respected and still respect. This can be parents, teachers, friends, colleagues, superiors, relatives, etc. Respect is a feeling that comes out naturally. It cannot be forced. This is why it is often said that respect has to be earned.
In most of our relationships with friends, family, peers, etc., there is respect for the other party. This allows the individual to listen and comprehend the decisions and ideas of others, even if we fail to approve them. Respect is also felt for those that we truly admire. For instance, you hear the life story of a person who has faced many obstacles in life, but has somehow been able to survive and achieve his goals. In such a situation, we feel respect because we truly admire the qualities and achievements of the individual. As you will notice, love and respect refer to two different emotions that an individual feels, this difference can be summarized as follows.

In some cultures respect is shown by worshiping
What is the Difference Between Love and Respect?
Definitions of Love and Respect:
Love: Love can be defined as a strong sense of affection and liking that an individual displays towards another.
Respect: Respect can be defined as admiration for someone because of their qualities or achievements.
Characteristics of Love and Respect:
Love: Love stems from the affection that an individual feels for another.
Respect: Respect stems from the admiration that an individual feels.
Love: Love cannot be forced upon someone. It has to come naturally.
Respect: True respect cannot be forced, however, in most situations, people respect others due to power differentials.
Love: In a relationship, love can be considered as a nurturing factor.
Respect: Respect can be viewed as a key factor that allows the two parties to comprehend and acknowledge the ideas and decisions of the other.
Image Courtesy:
1. “YoungCoupleEmbracing-20070508” by Kelley Boone from Perrysberg, Ohio, USA. – Young love.. [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons
2. Respect Your Parents Wall Mural, Trincomalee By Adam Jones [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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